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- Byron Saxton was eliminated from WWE NXT: Redemption on tonight's show. Conor O'Brian and Vladimir Kozlov won a tag team gauntlet match earlier in the night which gave O'Brian 3 more Redemption points.
-It's time for the fourteenth week of NXT Redemption! We start with a video package chronicling Lucky Cannon's courting of Maryse, as well as Yoshi Tatsu's pursuit of her. There's a recap of Cannon getting Maryse a purse and winning Maryse over. The opening titles roll, and commentators Todd Grisham and William Regal welcome us from Roanoke, Virginia.

-JTG is in the ring with what looks like an interview area set up. JTG welcomes us to "Straight Outta Brooklyn." He reminds us that his rookie, Jacob Novak was eliminated, which wasn't his fault. He says that last week, Byron Saxton was eliminated, and some are saying that his elimination was Yoshi Tatsu's fault. To get to the bottom of this, he welcomes a very happy and bouncy Yoshi to the ring.

-They both sit down and JTG asks Yoshi what he has to say about people blaming him for Byron's elimination. JTG interrupts and says that Byron himself said that it was Yoshi's fault, and he would've won with JTG as a pro. He re-asks the question, and Yoshi tries to respond, but JTG interrupts again and says that Maryse broke up with Yoshi because he has no game. He says she'd rather get with JTG, who has game. Yoshi grabs the mic and says that this show shouldn't be called Straight Outta Brooklyn. It should be called Straight Outta Yo Mama! JTG laughs and holds Yoshi's hand up, only to blindside Yoshi and run out of the ring. JTG yells that his mother is a nice lady only to be interrupted by Matt Striker, who walks out and makes the match between JTG and Yoshi Tatsu.


Match #1: Yoshi Tatsu vs. JTG

-Yoshi is in control as we come back from the break. Yoshi hits the ropes, but JTG stops him with a kitchen sink for a two-count. JTG keeps Yoshi on the ground with a number of knee strikes to Yoshi's back. JTG picks Yoshi up and pushes him into the corner, but Yoshi fights out with some Flair chops. JTG knocks him back down with a clothesline, however. JTG hits a back suplex for a two-count. JTG charges Yoshi into the corner, but Yoshi moves out of the way and goes right back to the chops. When JTG gets up, Yoshi hits a number of solar plexus kicks and a running spinning wheel kick that takes JTG down. Yoshi goes for a roundhouse kick, but JTG ducks and takes Yoshi down. JTG applies a grounded bearhug. Yoshi fights to his feet, and JTG tires for another back suplex, but Yoshi flips onto his feet and hits a roundhouse kick to the face for the three-count.

Winner: Yoshi Tatsu

-Voting for the third elimination starts tomorrow.


-William Regal's been having some weird dreams about President Obama lately, as we get the Capitol Punishment promo with R-Truth from yesterday's Raw.

-Conor O'Brian is backstage. He had another 2x4 and he gives a pep talk. Believe in the ways of Vladimir Kozlov, he says. He gives the plank to Hornswoggle, who tries to break the board over his head, but he can't do it. Titus O'Neil walks up to him and picks Hornswoggle up. He uses Hornswoggle as a battering ram right through the board. Vladimir Kozlov says "It looks like he made it a win.


-Chavo Guerrero makes his way to the ring with his rookie, Darren Young. Vladimir Kozlov and his rookie, Conor O'Brian, come out next.

Match #2: Chavo Guerrero & Darren Young vs. Vladimir Kozlov & Conor O'Brian

-Vladimir and Darren start out in the ring. Vlad takes Darren down with a quick fireman's carry and a modified headlock takedown. Vlad applies a side armlock and transfers it into a hip toss. Vlad picks Darren back up, rams him into the corner, and tags in Conor. Conor goes back to Darren's arm with the same armlock. Darren takes control with a gut kick, and rams Conor into his corner. He tags Chavo in, who hits a number of strikes on Conor, who's down in the corner. Darren gets involved, hitting Conor from the apron. Darren hits a scoop slam and Chavo hits a slingshot splas
h just like his uncle Eddie. Chavo applies a surfboard stretch to Conor as Conor makes his way to his feet. Conor hits a short-arm elbow strike, but Chavo leaves the ring. Conor follows, Chavo runs back in, and hits a plancha over the top rope on Conor.


-Darren Young is in control of Conor as we come back. Chavo gets tagged in and keeps Conor in the corner. He tags Darren back in and applies a snapmare and a chinlock. Conor fights away from Darren and tags in Vlad. He hits a trapped headbutt, a punch to the sternum, and a boot to the solar plexus. Vladimir gets Darren hung up on the tope rope and boots Darren in the stomach. Chavo tries to get involved from the outside, and Vladimir grabs his head. Darren takes advantage by choking Vladimir on the ropes. Darren stomps away and tags in Chavo, who hits a slingshot double stomp. Chavo hits a dropkick to Vladimir's quadricep and head. Chavo then applies a modified hammerlock. Vladimir fights to his feet and hits the ropes, but Chavo drops Vladimir and tags in Darren. Darren removes his knee pad and hits a knee to Vlad's head. Darren hits a neckbreaker for a two-count. Darren applies a side chinlock and forces Vlad back into his own corner. Chavo tags himself in and applies a front headlock while Vladimir tries to crawl to Conor. Chavo doesn't let him, and goes after Conor, who hits a punch to Chavo's face. Both men get the tags to their rookies. Conor hits two clotheslines and goes for a splash in the corner, but Darren reverses and hits the ropes, only to eat a big boot from Conor and a flapjack for a two-count. Chavo breaks up the pin and Vladimir takes him out over the top rope. Darren takes advantage, gets Conor on his shoulders and drops his torso onto his knees for a three-count.

Winners: Chavo Guerrero & Darren Young


Match #3: Hornswoggle & Titus O'Neil vs. Tyson Kidd & Lucky Cannon w/ Maryse

-Titus and Lucky start out. Titus pushes Lucky down and they stare down. Lucky forces Titus into the corner, but Titus reverses and hits a shoulder block on Lucky. Cannon gets up quickly to the second rope and hits a dropkick. Cannon chokes Titus on the second rope until the referee breaks it up. Lucky goes outside and hits a number of strikes onto Titus' chest from the outside. He gets back into the ring and applies a chinlock. Titus gets to his feet, only to get slammed back down. Cannon stomps on Titus and goes for a quick pin. Titus kicks out and Cannon goes back to the chinlock. Titus gets to his feet again, but Cannon hits repeated knee strikes to Titus' head, taking him down. Cannon applies a surfboard stretch with a chinlock variant and slams Titus back down once again. Titus gets to his feet and hits a European uppercut. He applies a side headlock, but Lucky tosses Titus out of the ring through the second rope. Hornswoggle goes up to Maryse with a little black box. Maryse opens it to find what looks to be a candy bracelet. Hornswoggle then tries to steal Maryse's purse, which breaks open. Cannon goes over to stop Hornswoggle and gets decked with Maryse's purse. He turns around and walks right into the Clash of the Titus sit-down spinebuster for the three-count.

Winners: Hornswoggle & Titus O'Neil

-Hornswoggle celebrates on Titus O'Neil's shoulders to end the show.

-That's it for this week's NXT Redemption. Voting for the third elimination will begin Wednesday at noon. Thanks for reading.
Конор или Тайтус, а вообще это шоу уже невозможно смотреть, такая херня.
Пусть уберут Черного Властелина с карликом про.
на следующей неделе елиминейшн
Выгнали Лаки Кенона
Марис в печали
WWE NXT: Lucky Cannon is eliminated from WWE NXT
Странно, я думал этот говнюк выиграет...
Тайтус очень предсказуемо будет, весь сезон ведет, Янг вполне может, но он уже был в вве, и ничего не получилось, так что Конор имеет все шансы, ну хотя это вве, и тем более кто выиграет будет про в 6 сезоне, так что Тайтус
Кидд ЛЫСЫЙ!!!
пуш захотел чтоль?
на сайте вве висит голосование, похоже на следующей неделе финад
Конор Обраян вылетел
В финале шоу появился Дерек Бэйтман со своим ПРО Дэниалом Браяном
Пусть лучше Тайтус чем бывший Нексусец
Капец. Я думал, сегодня финал. Захожу утром на сайт, посмотреть победителя, а там уже не 2, а 3 участника...
это реально пиздец какой-то, этому ужасу нет ни конца ни края
NXT гавно только 1 сезон доставлял и то изза того что профи были норм
Страйкера на ринг выпустили
Они даже Страйкера опять на ринг пустили,этот пиздец никогда не закончиться
Не могу сказать, что шоу было там супер или типа того, но есть что отметить, а такого не было давно. Ну для меня.

*Максин наконец-то научилась рестлингу, хил кик от Эй Джей заселлила просто супер, отрезок в матче провели отличный.

*Йоши удивил, грим ему идет, в матче тоже блестал. Увидел что-то похожее на Якудза Кик даже.

*Из Страйкера и Ригала вышла бы неплохая команда. Вообще оба очень колоритные персонажи.
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