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Единоборства: CAWs   ПомощьТема создана специально для общения,обменом опыта и помощи по CAW.
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Комментарии (750)
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jeff hardy
moveset morrison
finisher rko
entrance rocker
nickname the drug addict
hgt 6'0

face type 1
eye color 4,2,8
eye brows 23-3,1,10
side burns 9- 7,3,8
hairstyle 18-3,17,8
head stubble 8-0,1,10

head shape 8,88,44,58
skull 55,45,61,58,44,40
cheek- 80,54,60,70
ear- 65,75,46,56
eye- 85,99,0,70,53,55,50
mouth- 50,33,41,64,75,46,60

skin type 1- 18,2,9
definition 12
body shape
overall 35
should- 40,40,35
waist 66,58
arms 30,25
hands 37
legs 55,75 *did this to flare out the pants
feet 40

Bottoms 15A- 3,1,10/20,1,10
boots 3- 13,1,10/3,1,10
tight top 6A 3,27,6
hands 3A-1,27,6
tops 28A- 4,1,10

hat 5- 2,27,7/5,16,8
adjust- 33,29,23,47,50,50,50,45,47

alternate attire
take off the top
change tight top to all black
change hands gloves to all black
face paint 32- 3,21,8/2,20,3
face paint 45- 3,1,10/3,1,10
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sin cara
Height: 5'7''


Face Type: 1

Head: 37, 50, 60, 48
Skull: Default
Cheek: Default
Ear: Default
Brow: 69, 50, 50, 50, 51
Eye: Default
Nose: Height 64, Length 37
Mouth: Height 74, Thickness 62
Jaw: 48, 51, 1, 0, 84


Color: 19, 1, 10
Definition: 4

Chest: 48, 44, 36
Shoulders: 54, 44, 42
Abdomen: 50, 50, 50,
Waist: 45, 50
Arms: 40, 40
Hands: 39
Legs: 42, 41
Feet: 39



Hats: 13
Color 1: 5, 3, 5
Color 2: 6, 3, 4
Adjust: 38, 31, 10, 22, 50, 0, 50, 26, 27

Glasses: 11
Color 1: 7, 3, 5
Color 2: 9, 3, 5
Adjust: 43, 33, 76, 51, 50, 50, 50, 50, 49

Masks: 3-G
Color 1: 0, 16, 1
Color 2: 8, 3, 5

Arm Gear
Elbow Pads: 7 (L&R)
Color 1: 0, 16, 1
Wrist Tape: 3
Color 1: 1, 16, 2
Color 2: 7, 3, 6


Style: 9
Color 1: 2, 16, 1

Foot Wear
Boots: 10
Color 1: 8, 3, 6
Color 2: 15, 1, 10

Style: 10-C
Color 1: 10, 3, 5
Color 2: 5, 3, 6
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Вот я же просил на ПСП!
Это на Шайтан Коробку,пробовал на сайте и не получилось!
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помогите пожалуйста создать LILLIAN GARCIA я уже все просмотрел смотрел на youtube и на так нечего не нашел помогите кто-нибудь с формулой пожалуйста
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Скажите пожалуйста очень надо!Как в свр 2011 сделать так что б можно было ставить очень много татуировок?Там максимум 2 можно!!А на фотках есть и по 10!Как так сделать?!Буду очень благодарен!!!
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alberto del rio all stars
Name: A del RIO

HEAD SHAPE: 50 / 50 / 58 / 50
SKULL SHAPE: 49 / 47 / 50 / 24 / 39 / 61
CHEEK SHAPE: 29 / 54 / 35 / 58
BROW SHAPE: 50 / 54 / 58 / 22 / 50
EYE SHAPE: 50 / 48 / 63 / 50 / 71 / 73 / 63
NOSE SHAPE: 50 / 0 / 55 / 23 / 81 / 60 / 81 / 67 / 43
MOUTH SHAPE: 35 / 16 / 22 / 50 / 79 / 50 / 51
JAW SHAPE: 26 / 49 / 45 / 41 / 80

COLOR: 1 / 1 / 10

COLOR: 4 / 1 / 10


CHEST: 42 / 43 / 50
SHOULDERS: 37 / 40 / 23
ABDOMEN: 46 / 42 / 57
ARMS: 36 / 35
LEGS: 46 / 47

COLOR 1: 20 / 1 / 10
COLOR 2: 20 / 1 / 10

COLOR 1: 6 / 4 / 4
COLOR 2: 3 / 5 / 3

COLOR 1: 20 / 1 / 10
COLOR 2: 20 / 1 / 10

COLOR 1: 18 / 1 / 10
COLOR 2: 18 / 1 / 10
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Плз подскажите сингачюри и финишоры Халка Хогана и Голдберга
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У Голдберга финишер Suplex Hammer. А сигнатур вроде Spear,не помню какой.
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А в SvR 2011 можно делать кавы с 2010?
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форулу стайлза на бокс плиз
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Анимешник CTION Йопт
сегодня в 19:47
А в SvR 2011 можно делать кавы с 2010?
Ну у меня тоже Xbox 360 и мне один раз по ошыбке дали формулу Криса Мастерса не для 2011,а для 2010 WWE. А когда я создал Мастерса по формуле 2010 рестлинга он больше был похожый на Вейда Барета . =))
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А тебе надо формула AJ Styles? Если да могу выложыть. Там 2 его костюма,формула очень большая
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помогите пожалуйста создать LILLIAN GARCIA я уже все просмотрел смотрел на youtube и на так нечего не нашел помогите кто-нибудь с формулой пожалуйста
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Люди скажите прл!Созда Отонгу,все а сейчас не могу найти как ему поставить удары,сигнатур,финишеры?Как это сделать?ЗА ответ буду очень признателен)
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Рей скинь пожалуйсто
только если он 2011 года
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Щас скину.Там 2 костюма
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AJ Styles на Xbox 360
Start with face model 6

Head: -42, 20, -3
Forehead: -34, 31, 10, -86

Eyebrows: -65, -12, -63, -18
Eyes: 0, -37, -6, -43, -7, 7, -24
Nose: 11, -28, 51, -10, 54, -87, -39, 19
Cheek: 13, 34, -26, 36
Mouth: 61, 16, -91, -26, 100, 68, -86
Jaw: 0, -78, 9, -6, 90, 49
Ears: 46, 11, 0, 32
Age: 0

Body Type: –2

-Advanced Options-
Neck: -21, -4, 11
Chest: 0, -19,0
Shoulder: -6,-11,-45
Abdomen: -11, 28,18
Waist: 19,9
Arms: -2, -9,-9
Hands: -3, -4, -3
Legs: 0,6,7
Feet: 0,14,8

Body Height: 5ft 10 in.
Weight: 215 lbs

1. Body Skin 4: 90, -1, 4, 0
2. Face Skin : 4
3. Eyes 4: -6, -43, -17
4. Eyebrows 1: 85, -17, -10
5. Eyelashes: 1
6. Lips 2, 95, -14,0
7. Teeth: default
8. Hair 3: 87, -2, -18
9. Body Hair 7: 89, -16, 23
10. Underwear 3
11. Make up 8: -49, 25, 33, 10
12. Makeup 22 (stylize to make up around the eyes): 94, -30, 32, 86
13. make up 60: 100, 0, 4, 21
14. make up 18 (stylize to the makeup on side of the face/jaw area): 90, -51, 61, 73
15. make up 19: (stylize to the makeup on side of the face/jaw/neck area): 91, -29, -16, 100
16. make up 18 (no stylizing): 95, -70, 84, 83
17. Head > Logos> Design 99, rotate once, smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place over outer eyebrow area as seen in help pics, 90,-57, 56, 29
18. Copy previous design, move to other eyebrow as seen in help pics, 90 –57, 40, 29
19. Moustache 1: 97, -12, 11, 5
20. Head > Logos > Design 100, rotate once, smallest horizontal, second largest vertical, place on cheek beside nose as seen in help pics, 90 –18, 4, 8
21. Copy previous design, make 1 smaller in vertical sizing (second smallest vetical), place above previous design as seen in help pics, 90, -58, 61, 15
22. Copy previous design, rotate once again, place on other side of face beside nostril as seen in help pics, 90, -58, 61, 15
23. make up 22 (don’t stylize): 93, -26, 5, 96
24. Head > Logos > Design 99, second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on lip to make cleft shading as seen in help pics, 90, -47, 10, 3
25. Sideburns 12: 88, 0, -53, 100
26. Head > Logos > Design 103, second smallest horizontal and vertical, place on nose as seen in help pics, 93, -55, 1, 3
27. Make up 65: 90, 0, 0, 20
28. Body Art > Face Paint 46: 94, -18, 43, 5
29. Wristbands 1: -25, -86, -68, 100, 13
30. Elbow Pads 4: -29, -86, -66, 100
31. Tights 1: -26, -88, -74, 100, 100
32. Leg Tattoo 42 (both legs): -10, 0, 32, 100
33. Torso > Front > Logo > Design 103, second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on right hip to cover part of the leg paint as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -26, 100
34. Knee Pads 5: -13, -100, -75, 100
35. Knee Pads 15: -13, -84, -69, 100
36. Shoes 7: -28, -100, -71
37. Torso> Front > Design 120, rotate once, second smallest horizontal and vertical, place on right hip area as seen in help pics: 100, -100, 34, 100
38. Torso> Front > Design 100, second smallest horizontal and vertical, place on front right hip area as seen in help pics: -13, 42, 45, 100
39. Torso> Front > Design 124, largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on front right hip area as seen in help pics: -100, -100, -17, 100
40. Torso> Front > Design 104, second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on front right hip area as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -28, 100
41. Torso> Rear > Design 100, second largest horizontal, smallest vertical, place on rear as seen in help pics: -13, 3, 60, 100
42. Copy previous design, rotate once, place on rear as seen in help pics: -13, 3, 60, 100
43. Copy previous design, rotate once, place on front as seen in help pics: -13, 3, 60, 100
44. Copy previous design, rotate once, place on front as seen in help pics: -13, 3, 60, 100
45. Torso> Rear> Design 100, se
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45. Torso> Rear> Design 100, second smallest horizontal and vertical, place on rear connecting the upper oval and the leg paint as seen in help pics: -10, 42, 45, 100
46. Copy previous design, rotate once, place on rear as seen in help pics: -10, 42, 45, 100
47. Copy previous design, place on front as seen in help pics: -10, 42, 45, 100
48. Belt 14: 95, -100, 100, 100
49. Torso> Front > WWE 18, rotate twice, second largest horizontal, smallest vertical, place centered on front of belt as seen in help pics: 5, 29, 0, 100
50. Torso> Front > Design 132, rotate once, second smallest horizontal and vertical, place on hip area as seen in help pics: -22, 100, 0, 100
51. Torso> Front > Design 132, rotate twice, second smallest horizontal and vertical, place on hip area as seen in help pics: -18, 100, 0, 100
52. Torso> Front > Design 45, second smallest horizontal and vertical, place on hip area as seen in help pics: -18, 0, -31, 100
53. Torso> Front > Numeral Page 2, the first 1, largest horizontal, second largest vertical, place on hip area as seen in help pics: make white
54. Torso> Front > Numeral Page 2, the second 1, largest horizontal, second largest vertical, place on hip area as seen in help pics: -25, -100, -67, 100
55. Torso> Rear> Design 98, smallest horizontal and vertical, place on hip area as seen in help pics: -18, 100, -28, 100
56. Bottoms> Right Leg> Design 133, rotate 3 times, smallest horizontal and vertical, place on leg to make the leg extension of the running AJ as seen in help pics: 100, -82, 19, 100
57. Torso > Rear> Alphabet Page 14, the v, rotate twice, largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on hip area to make the back arm of the running AJ as seen in help pics: -25, -100, 15, 100
58. Bottoms> Right Leg> Flag 10, rotate once, smallest horizontal, largest vertical, place on back of boot as seen in help pics: 100, -100, 0, 100
59. Bottoms> Left Leg> Flag 10, rotate once, smallest horizontal, largest vertical, place on back of boot as seen in help pics: 100, -100, 0, 100
60. Bottoms> Right Leg> Design 105, second smallest horizontal, largest vertical, place on front of boot to make the kickpad outline as seen in help pics: -10, 0, 38, 100
61. Bottoms> Left Leg> Design 105, second smallest horizontal, largest vertical, place on front of boot to make the kickpad outline as seen in help pics: -10, 0, 38, 100
62. Bottoms> Right Leg> WWE 42, rotate three times, second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on front of boot inside the outline as seen in help pics: 100, 0, 0, 100
63. Bottoms> Left Leg> WWE 42, rotate three times, second largest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on front of boot inside the outline as seen in help pics: 100, 0, 0, 100
64. Facial Hair Others 19: 89, -7, 0, 45
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и это 1 костюм =)
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на сайте Кавов откопал
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скинуть формулу на 2 костюм?
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Скиньте плиз Криса Мастерса
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Люди скажите прл!Созда Отонгу,все а сейчас не могу найти как ему поставить удары,сигнатур,финишеры?Как это сделать?ЗА ответ буду очень признателен)
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Артем Дербин
сегодня в 11:46

Скиньте плиз Криса Мастерса
На какую консоль?
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А у вас формули для wwe ulitimate impact 2011?
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