Спойлеры WWE

Triple H came out to open the show and said he re-signed CM Punk to a WWE contract on Monday night. World Heavyweight Champion Christian came out and it's announced he'll defend the title against Randy Orton in a No Holds Barred Match at SummerSlam.
R-Truth came out and said he was there to continue what they started on Raw. He talked of the conspiracy against him. Triple H announced R-Truth vs Randy Orton for Smackdown, and also announced that Christian vs. John Morrison was up next.
Backstage, Triple H and Teddy Long were interrupted by Zack Ryder. Hunter announced that Ryder will be Long's new assistant.
Christian defeated John Morrison. Christian really played up the heel antics. Morrison looked great in his return match, according to Wesley. There was a botched reversal at one point that looked bad. In the end, Morrison executed a backdrop off the top rope and tried unsuccessfully to follow up with Starship Pain. Christian hit the Killswitch and got the win.
Wade Barrett comes out and cuts a promo on Daniel Bryan. Bryan comes out and says Heath Slater cut the same promo last week and he made him tap out. Barrett punches him and taunts him with his own Money in the Bank briefcase. Daniel eventually counters and puts Barrett in the LeBell Lock.
Backstage, Teddy Long is talking to Zack Ryder. Mark Henry walks up to them and Ryder tells him that he will find him an opponent.
The Nexus vs. The Uso Brothers was advertised for later in the show.
Alicia Fox, Rosa Mendes, and Melina defeated Natalya, AJ, and Kaitlyn. Fox hit her axe kick on Kaitlyn and got the pin.
There was a Justin Gabriel video that showed him at home in South Africa.
Mark Henry beat Bobby Heller. Heller is a local wrestler from the Philly area. Henry destroyed him in a squash with two World Strongest Slams and a killer backbreaker.
Henry grabbed a chair, but Teddy Long stopped him from using it by saying he had a lawsuit pending and no one wants to fight him. Sheamus mades his entrance and said he will fight Henry. Sheamus slapped Henry and then tossed him out of the ring. Sheamus grabbed a chair and Henry retreated.
Michael McGillicutty and David Otunga defeated The Uso Brothers to retain the WWE Tag Titles. The Uso Brothers did their tribal dance to no reaction whatsoever. New Nexus came out to Justin Gabriel's theme song. Weird. The Uso Brothers showed a lot of energy and worked in some double team moves. However, McGillicutty hit his neckbreaker to get the win for his team.
Backstage, Johnny Curtis says he will make his Smackdown debut next week.
The Raw Rebound airs showing Rey Mysterio Winning the WWE Championship, Jim Ross returning, John Cena vs. Mysterio, Cena winning the WWE Championship and CM Punk returning.
Backstage, Matt Striker interviews R-Truth. R-Truth says a good R-Truth is a bad R-Truth. He says he's like an eagle swooping down and grabbing a snake like a viper.
Backstage, Ryder booked Ezekiel Jackson in a handicap match against Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes.
Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase defeated Ezekiel Jackson in a handicap match. Decent heat for the heels. The paper bag men were out for the crowd. DiBiase started and was getting destroyed. He tagged Cody, who tagged back to Ted. DiBiase applied a sleeper. Zeke picked him up with one arm. Zeke had Cody in the Torture Rack, but Ted broke it up and Cody hit CrossRhodes for the win.
Jinder Mahal and The Great Khali cut a promo in Punjabi from the second level of the arena. "USA" chants fill the arena.
R-Truth defeats Randy Orton by DQ. Truth had a lot of heat on him. World Heavyweight Champion Christian comes out to watch the match from the top of the ramp. R-Truth gets the win via disqualification when Orton uses a chair. After the match, Orton hits an RKO on R-Truth on the announce table, breaking it.
Dark Match:
* Wade Barrett beat Colt Cabana
SmackDown, Airing Friday:
* Sheamus vs. Mark Henry is announced for SummerSlam and Sheamus vs. The Great Khali is announced for tonight.
* Sheamus beat The Great Khali.
* Natalya beat AJ Lee and turned heel.
* Daniel Bryan debuts a new theme song before facing Tyson Kidd.
* Zack Ryder brings out WWE Intercontinental Champion Ezekiel Jackson but is interrupted by Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes. Teddy Long interrupts them and announces Ryder vs. Zeke.
* Ezekiel Jackson beat Zack Ryder.
* Ryder is now apparently known as Dwight Schrut, Assistant to the GM unless I missed something. Triple H came out, had the cameras cut off and hit Ryder with a Pedigree.
* Teddy Long had a new Diva assistant it looks like.
* Mark Henry squashes Vladimir Kozlov and beats him up until Sheamus makes the save.
* David Otunga, Michael McGillicutty and JTG beat The Usos and Trent Baretta.
* Main event time with Randy Orton and John Morrison vs. Christian and R-Truth. Truth and Christian get the win after Christian pins Orton.