Спойлерок к импакту.

* A.J. Styles defeated Kurt Angle with an ankle lock. This match was described as an 'Orlando Screw Job'. Earl Hebner was the referee for this match and he had them ring the bell. Styles, Flair, and Hebner left the ringside area. After the match, Hulk Hogan came out and Angle spat in his face. Angle went to the announce table and took Mike Tenay's chair and throw it into the stage.(Примечание от меня:Фантазия то какая.Сюжет,какого еще не видел мир рестлинга.)
Также Кеннеди победил Джеффа Джарретта.
* Ken Anderson defeats Jeff Jarrett after a low blow. Jarrett tried for the Stroke during the match but Anderson used the low blow. After the match, Anderson hit the Mic Check and then did his usual mic work.
In an Xplosion Match: Dr. Stevie defeated Homicide with a Stevie-T О_о
во, ради этого посмотрю *___*
Во-вторых, когда это "давным давно"? С 2002 года это их цель?
"какую-нибудь Чикару" - понятно, как ты к реслингу относишься..