Wrestlemania 28 Dream Card

Sin Cara vs Rey Misterio
Kane and Big Show vs Dudley Boyz (wwe tag team championship)
Cody Rhodes vs Chavo Guerrero (us championship)
Dolf Ziggler vs Drew McIntyre (intercontinental championship)
Stone Cold vs Tripple H (no DQ match for wwe championship)
Alberto Del Rio vs Christian (TLC match for WH championship)
The Rock vs Shawn Michaels
John Cena vs The Undertaker (I quit match)
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Sin Kara vs Alberto Del Rio (WH championship)
Kane and Big Show vs Dudley Boyz (wwe tag team championship)
Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio (usa championship)
Dolf Ziggler vs Drew McIntyre (intercontinental championship)
The Rock vs John Cena (чемпион зрителей)-извините не помню как называется
Triple H vs The Undertaker (I quit match)
The Miz vs JBL
Sin Kara vs Alberto Del Rio
Kane and Big Show vs Core (wwe tag team championship)
Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio
Dolf Ziggler vs Drew McIntyre (intercontinental championship)
The Rock vs John Cena (чемпион зрителей)-извините не помню как называется
Triple H vs The Undertaker (I quit match)
Sin Cara vs Daniel Bryan
John Cena vs The Rock
Cody Rhodes vs Ezikel Jackson (Intercontinental Championship)
Sheamus vs Christian (WH Championship)
Miz and R-Truth vs Hardy Boyz (WWE tag team championship)
Undertaker vs Stone Cold (TLC)