Григорий, # Having a title match anytime in WWE Universe
Once all bonus championship belts are unlocked, give any vacant title to a title holder in the WWE Universe. Then, create any type of singles match, and select the double title holder. When you select him, both titles should be on the line (for example, give Dolph Ziggler the Intercontinental and ECW belts). This allows every custom match to be a championship match; every superstar can have a title match, even WWE Legends. Note: This trick works with all WWE Universe belts except the Divas and Womens belts
Фак, прохожу дорогу за Сину, напрочь забыл что проходил на эмуле. Ну так вот, на 8 неделе поговорил с Легаси и ни черта не происходит, не матча, вообще нечего, может перед этим надо было еще с кем нибудь поговорить?
К разработчикам вопросы такие.
и вообще можно в 2009 смеке перекрашивать костюмы?
я просто задаю вопросы!
я же не пишу мат и спам!
Once all bonus championship belts are unlocked, give any vacant title to a title holder in the WWE Universe. Then, create any type of singles match, and select the double title holder. When you select him, both titles should be on the line (for example, give Dolph Ziggler the Intercontinental and ECW belts). This allows every custom match to be a championship match; every superstar can have a title match, even WWE Legends. Note: This trick works with all WWE Universe belts except the Divas and Womens belts
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