Сильно сомневаюсь что дозы стероидов указаныые тут даже приблизительно похожи на реальность - применения ГР и Инсулина сильно снижают надобность в дозировках ААС при том же результате - вот курс современного профи - межсезонье - Джейм ака Мезомор Левелин - Британия
"......... Peptides
Mon 5ius gh/50mcgs igf (6am) 5ius gh/5ius Novo rapid (11.30am)
Tues 5ius gh/25mcgs igf (6am)
Weds Same as mon
Thurs Same as tues
Fri Same as mon
Sat and sun 5ius gh (6am)
All shots are done I.M in the muscle about to be trained or just having been trained.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the moment I am also running 250mgs of test enanthate EW taken on a monday
T3 is supplemented ED at 25mcgs taken with my 6am peptides. "
Genotropin 16 IE 7IU 3xDay (hGH)
Humalog 10IU 4xDay (insulin)
Anapolon 100mgs 4-5xDay
Metanabol 15-20mgs 5xDay
Finabolan 1500mgs week
Testosterone Suspension 1200mgs week
IGF-1/Prostaglandin 4xDay
Halotestin 10mgs 4xDay
Drolban 20mgs 5xDay
Triacana 25mcgs 3xDay (similar to cytomel)
Broncoterol "doesn't list"
Nandrolone Decanoate 1000mgs week
Primobolan Depot 600mg week
Stromba Tabs 100mgs day (Winstrol)
Zitazonium 10mgs 3xDay
Trenbolone Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate 1060mgs week (Parabolan)
Testosterone Enanthate 800mgs week
Boldenone Undecylenate 1200mgs week (EQ)
Clomiphene Citrate 150mgs day (Clomid)
Superbolin (Austrailian)
Pentastone 20mgs 2xDay
Testosterone Blend 1500mgs week (Sustanon?)
#2 Екаранабабай!!!!!это его постоянный курс????
- вот курс современного профи - межсезонье - Джейм ака Мезомор Левелин - Британия
Mon 5ius gh/50mcgs igf (6am) 5ius gh/5ius Novo rapid (11.30am)
Tues 5ius gh/25mcgs igf (6am)
Weds Same as mon
Thurs Same as tues
Fri Same as mon
Sat and sun 5ius gh (6am)
All shots are done I.M in the muscle about to be trained or just having been trained.
At the moment I am also running 250mgs of test enanthate EW taken on a monday
T3 is supplemented ED at 25mcgs taken with my 6am peptides.