Смена весовых категорий и как следствие обнуление рекордов... кто что думает по этому поводу?
2010 IPF General Assembly-excerpt of some decisionsCategory: World
Here are some information regarding the decisions of the 2010 IPF General Assembly
* Johnny Graham (USA) was elected as IPF Vice President
* New weight classes beginning 1st of January 2011 on international and regional level
Women: up to 43 kg (Sub-Junior/Junior); 47 kg; 52 kg; 57 kg; 63 kg; 72 kg; 84 kg; +84 kg
Men: up to 53 kg (Sub-Junior/Junior); 59 kg; 66 kg; 74 kg; 83 kg; 93 kg; 105 kg; 120 kg; +120 kg
* In connection with the new weight classes new world and regional standards will be introduced and the current record list will be frozen 31st of December 2010
* World and International records can only achieved on World or Regional championships. To achieve World and International records on national championships it is not longer valid.
* The current approved list is frozen until 31st December 2014. No new equipment will be approved.
* Decisions about Technical Rules will be made by the Executive Committee together with every 2 members of the Technical Committee, Women Committee, Athletes Commission and Coach Commission. A 2/3 majority within this group is necessary for changes.
* Bench Press:
- It was deleted: Any pronounced and exaggerated uneven extension of the arms during the lift.
- Feet movement flat on the floor/block/plates are allowed
- Impairment form is deleted.
* Probably July 2012 we host in Sweden an IPF/Eleiko World Powerlifting Classics Championship. This is an unequipped event. Information will follow.
More decisions you will find then in the Minutes, which will be published soon.
Информация взята с официального сайта IPF!
Here are some information regarding the decisions of the 2010 IPF General Assembly
* Johnny Graham (USA) was elected as IPF Vice President
* New weight classes beginning 1st of January 2011 on international and regional level
Women: up to 43 kg (Sub-Junior/Junior); 47 kg; 52 kg; 57 kg; 63 kg; 72 kg; 84 kg; +84 kg
Men: up to 53 kg (Sub-Junior/Junior); 59 kg; 66 kg; 74 kg; 83 kg; 93 kg; 105 kg; 120 kg; +120 kg
* In connection with the new weight classes new world and regional standards will be introduced and the current record list will be frozen 31st of December 2010
* World and International records can only achieved on World or Regional championships. To achieve World and International records on national championships it is not longer valid.
* The current approved list is frozen until 31st December 2014. No new equipment will be approved.
* Decisions about Technical Rules will be made by the Executive Committee together with every 2 members of the Technical Committee, Women Committee, Athletes Commission and Coach Commission. A 2/3 majority within this group is necessary for changes.
* Bench Press:
- It was deleted: Any pronounced and exaggerated uneven extension of the arms during the lift.
- Feet movement flat on the floor/block/plates are allowed
- Impairment form is deleted.
* Probably July 2012 we host in Sweden an IPF/Eleiko World Powerlifting Classics Championship. This is an unequipped event. Information will follow.
More decisions you will find then in the Minutes, which will be published soon.
Информация взята с официального сайта IPF!
Как я знаю перед первенством мира 2010 в Чехии, то предвыездный допинг стоил 16300,который потом сделали бесплатно!!!!
если поймают штраф 2000е.
дак что нащет моего вапроса?! кто бы как поступил?
....ни какой олимпиады не будет...а смена категорий это нериальный головняк для спортсменов 75 категории, потомучто многие сильные гоняют вес с рабочего 78-79.....теперь им придется соревноваться с нынешней 82,5...а это сорокин,васюков....и т.д.....
контроля для МС не будет и не дай бог......если сделают, пошлю нахуй фпр....потомучто плотить за это я не намерен....
.....а то что нормативы должны быть выше-это факт...
легко-не легко, но более чем реально.........посмотри протоколы, хуева туча мастеров......это девальвирует звание.......
ИМХО.....800 в 90....реальный мастер, учитывая современную экипу......
без экипы поднять МС, это ты не просто МСМК.....это где-то рядом с кандидатом в сборную, при условии, что хорошо экипу используешь и можешь сдать контроль.......собрать без экипы 760-это очень дохуя......