Новости Манчестер Юнайтед ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ-10

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1. Просьба не выкладывать слухи, сплетни
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4. Желательно выкладывать новости с переводом - далеко не все знают английский.
5. Оскорбления, флуд, мат будет удаляться. Особо отличившиеся рискуют получить бан.
=== Красные дьяволы аннонсировали остановку в Нигерии ===
МЮ сыграет с Портсмутом в пред-сезонном товарищеском матче в Нигерии в июле.
На пресс-конференции на Олд Траффорде сегодня исполнительный директор Дэвид Гилл подвердил, что игра против обладателя Кубка Англии была добавлена в существующее расписание турне по Африке. Дата и место будут уточнены позже, тем не менее игра будет происходить в столице Нигерии - Абуджа.
Красные дьяволы возглавят в ЮАРе соревнование в три игры (Kaiser Chiefs и Orlando Pirates) между 19 и 26 июля и сыграют в Нигерии несколько позже на пути возвращения в Англию.
"Наше собственное исследование показало, что Нигерия это дом для нашей 4-ой по численности армии фанатов - около 13,6 миллионов приверженцев - поэтому это удобный случай для нас сказать спасибо этим фанатам", - сказал Дэвид Гилл
"Мы с нетерпением ожидаем настоящую праздничную атмосферу, когда будем играть в Нигерии"
"В январе у нас была игра в Саудовской Аравии, которая прошла очень хорошо. Теперь это будет первый визит в Нигерию и шанс для фанатов увидеть их героев вживую"
Без сомнения, МЮ также встретится с Портсмутом на Уэмбли в Коммьюнити Шилд 10 августа в воскресенье.
"Мы не планировали, что это станет репетицией Коммьюнити Шилд", - заверил Гилл - "Это чистое совпадение."
"У нас будет сильный состав. Все английские игроки будут здесь - люди любят Уэйна Руни, Рио Фердинанда и Оуэна Харгривза, для примера"
"Те игроки, кто привлечены и играют на Чемпионате Европы не смогут участвовать в путешествии [В ЮАР и Нигерию]"
Визит, несмотря на скоротечнось, будет длиться дольше обычных 90 минут футбола.
"Я думаю, мы пробудем несколько дней", - сказал Гилл - "Мы хотим быть столько, чтобы сыграть игру, принять участие в нескольких мероприятиях и посмотреть страну"
Источник: manutd.com
Младший брат нападающего «Манчестер Юнайтед» Уэйна Руни Джон Руни, который играет за «Нью-Йорк Ред Буллс», забил первый гол в Америке.
Джон Руни забил гол на 65-й минуте матча третьего раунда Кубка Америки против «Нью-Йорка» (2:1). Его забитый мяч стал победным.
Младший брат Уэйна Руни перешел в «Нью-Йорк Ред Буллс» в январе этого года.
The Atletico Madrid No1 is on the brink of joining United.
He said: "From the first moment people started to recognise me and fame has arrived, I've tried really hard to keep the same people around me, do precisely the same things as before and to stay grounded thanks to my family.
"Being praised, no it doesn't worry me. One day you are being praised and the next people are on top of you.
"If you keep your feet on the ground you'll never get above your station."
De Gea is a young man who has not forgotten his roots in Illescas — a municipality 25 miles outside Madrid the population of which would fill the Stretford End at Old Trafford.
He goes back there to visit his old school and is a hero to the kids there.
His old school master at the Castilla School is Jose Luis Garcia who describes De Gea as an inspiration.
Garcia told The Sun: "David was a very, very good student.
"He came from a very good family background and always had a very positive attitude. He was with us from the age of four to 17.
"Academically he was very good, although not so much in English — he wasn't very good at that!
"But, of course, he was brilliant at all sports. He excelled at basketball and football. He had very big hands so it is no surprise to us he's a goalkeeper.
"But, for all his success with Atletico Madrid, David hasn't changed a bit. He has always been a modest lad and very down to earth. He is not big headed at all and I don't think anything will change that either. He's just very normal.
"He is often back in school and always wants to see his old teachers. He brings in autographs and pictures and will always spend time talking to the children about doing well in school."
The hugely promising Spain Under-21 keeper was the man identified by Sir Alex Ferguson as the best option for the position after exhaustive scouting around the world.
With Edwin van der Sar retiring, the new arrival seems likely to be handed the number one shirt and Stepney feels he will soon pick up the language in Manchester.
"He's done very well for Atletico," Stepney told ManUtd.com. "His record last season (24 clean sheets in 45 games) is incredible in a top-class league. I've only seen him on TV and you can't tell everything about a player on TV.
"For example, I always like to see what a goalkeeper's doing position-wise when the ball's down the other end of the pitch and the cameras rarely show that. But certainly I've seen what a good shot-stopper he is and it would seem that he's going to be Sir Alex's number one.
"We've also still got Anders Lindegaard, Ben Amos and Tomasz Kuszczak on the books, of course, and one of them will have to leave, either on loan or permanently. A club like Manchester United has to have three top-class goalkeepers because if your number one gets injured, you need quality cover in the team and on the bench."
1968 European Cup final star Stepney expects the keeper to quickly adapt to his new surroundings in plenty of time for the big kick-off in August.
The 69-year-old will be made a doctor of the University of Stirling.
The visit will take Ferguson back to his footballing roots in central Scotland, where he played with Falkirk from 1969 to 1973.
Glasgow-born Ferguson also started his managerial career at nearby East Stirlingshire in 1974.
The university said the award will recognise Ferguson's "great distinction in the field of sport and the general public arena".
He will be presented with his doctorate by the university chancellor, broadcaster James Naughtie.
The ceremony in which the football boss is being honoured is one of four graduation ceremonies taking place at the institution today and tomorrow.
Rafael is seen as Neville's successor at Old Trafford following the United legend's retirement.
"I think he's a great player, he won many titles. I hope to win at least half of the titles he won. To do that, I would be happy," said Rafael, who also spoke of playing for manager Sir Alex Ferguson.
"He has to obeyed. He has won everything there is to win. He is the boss there. We do what he says (Rafael then salutes)."
The Manchester United striker was a key part of El Tri’s triumph at the tournament, which was held in the States, and was thankful for the support received.
"It's an unbelievable feeling, we have some many Mexican fans in the United States and we have to say thanks for all the support we get," Hernandez said.
And the victory has attracted so much attention that the Mexico team is experiencing never-before-seen popularity in the US.
"The team are now one of the top sports brands in the States and companies have stepped up and seen the value of that," said Michael Hitchcock of Texas-based Playbook Management International, who specialize in soccer business in North America.
"They are selling out stadiums, selling jerseys, selling sodas, selling beers – anyway you look at it they are a money-making machine because the fans are so passionate."
The 69-year-old was made a Doctor of the University of Stirling at a ceremony yesterday afternoon.
Addressing a crowd of new graduates who had just picked up their degrees, he spoke of the importance of retaining the values which Charlton and Busby stood for.
He said: "I've had many honours. I still appreciate what Stirling University has done for me today, making me a Doctor. I appreciate that, as do all my family. Don't take it lightly, it's a great honour to be appreciated.
"I say this standing here before you with many honours behind me. It doesn't change me. Don't change. No-one respects it.
"I've great examples of that in my own club. Bobby Charlton and Matt Busby were fantastic examples of that. Throughout their lives they kept their feet on the ground. They were the same people, they had humility. It's a fantastic quality to have.
"Working hard is also a fantastic quality. It's not easy to work hard all your life."
Ferguson also praised the "infectious enthusiasm" shown by another football legend, Sir Bobby Robson, throughout his life.
He said: "It got to you, you couldn't miss it. Don't ever under-estimate enthusiasm and enjoy working hard. It's a great quality. Wherever you go remember these things."
De Gea officially joined United yesterday from Atletico Madrid.
Owen tweeted: "I'm sure he will be a massive success."
It's 13 years since the Scots qualified for a major tournament.
Ferguson said: "There is an effort in Scotland to progress, there's no question about that.
"You're seeing it in the national team now where they've a collection of good midfielders.
"So there is progress being made and that's only through the work that's been done over the last few years because the foundations are laid when a kid is four, five, six years of age. I think that is something that's improving."
De Gea moved to United yesterday.
De Gea, who has long been linked with a move to United, said: "There have been many rumours these last few months about if I had gone there or not, but the truth is that last week there was contact from Manchester United to Atletico Madrid saying that they would like me to visit their facilities and present an offer to me.
"I decided to go with my family and study the offer and see everything and that's when I decided.
"They have very good facilities. It's one of the best clubs in the world and I'm going there to continue growing as a player and as a person, and for that it's a perfect club.
"Atletico made an effort (to keep me), but my family and I have taken this decision."
He added: "I want to thank everybody who has had faith in me and the fans who have always supported me since I was young. I will always carry Atleti in my heart."
The Daily Mail says De Gea broke down in floods of tears last night as he bade farewell to Atletico Madrid, just hours after his first interview as a Manchester United player.
The Spain Under 21 keeper, who signed for United for £17.8million in a five-year deal, backed himself to be a worthy successor to Edwin van der Sar.
He told MUTV: "Edwin has been the best goalkeeper in the world. I hope to emulate him and spend a great number of years here and, hopefully, equal or even surpass the performance and contribution he made."
But when De Gea, 20, flew back to Madrid for a press conference to say goodbye to Atletico fans, he was overcome by emotion as he tried to explain his reasons for leaving.
Gill recounted the "bolt from the blue" of Rooney informing the club he wanted to leave, starting with a telephone call from the player's agent, Paul Stretford, on 14 August.
He recalled in Champ19ns, a book about United's record title-winning season by Steve Bartram, "We already had some discussions [about a new contract] going on, then I had a call indicating Wayne didn't want to sign a new deal, [that] he had some issues and didn't want to sign a new contract.
"That was the first we'd heard of it because [before then] there had been discussions going on to a timetable that had been agreed. I was pretty shocked, to be honest. I had a good working relationship with Paul Stretford, having done deals with him over a number of years and there was never any indication that this was the call he was going to make."
Rooney changed his mind after several weeks of lobbying behind the scenes – "I wouldn't say there were discussions every day but there was regular contact," Gill said
In the end, Rooney signed a new contract and United went on to win the title.
United defender O'Shea recalled in Champ19ns, a book about United's record title-winning season by Steve Bartram, "It transpired it was just an interesting technique of getting a new deal," O'Shea said. "I think Wayne, if he could turn back the clock, might do things a bit differently, but both parties were happy in the end.
"He came [into the Carrington dressing room after signing his new deal] and apologised to everyone. He said he'd done what he had to do, basically, and he was sorry if he had offended anybody. Obviously there were a few comments that will stay in the dressing room. They were quite smart and funny, but all friendly."
Nani wishes his countryman all the luck in the world with his move - though not so much that Chelsea beat United to the league title!
"He's a very talented young man and I wish him well," said the Portuguese international.
"He has demonstrated at FC Porto that he has great talent and I hope he has luck and can demonstrate this quality at Chelsea, but that it is not enough to win things!"