1000 комментариев
"Ливерпуль" объявил о подписании полузащитника "Блэкпула" Чарли Адама.
25-летний шотландец успешно прошел медосмотр в мерсисайдском клубе и в
четверг подписал долгосрочный контракт, сообщает официальный сайт
английского клуба.
собственно все на русском.

The Guardian: Сага с Насри может затянуться

Самир Насри вернулся к предсезонным тренировкам в «Арсенале» и может отыграть последний год по действующему контракту с «канонирами», если клуб не получит достаточно привлекательного предложения, которое соблазнит Арсена Венгера продать его, пишет издание.

«Арсенал» уже отклонил первое предложение «Манчестер Юнайтед», как полагают, в районе 20 млн. фунтов, даже не удостоив его формальным ответом. Такая позиция укрепила на «Олд Трффорд» ощущения того, что Венгер твердо придерживается своего обещания не вести дел с любым их соперников «Арсенала» по Премьер Лиге, и в частности с «Юнайтед».

На «Эмирейтс» полагают, что любая серьезная заявка на Насри должна начинаться с 25 млн. фунтов, но даже в этом случае, «Манчестер Юнайтед» вовсе не уверен в том, что Венгер готов продать полузащитника им, если «Арсенал» может рассчитывать на выгодные предложения из других клубов. Руководство на «Олд Траффорд» осознает, как сильно «Арсенал» будет сражаться, за то, чтобы Насри не попал в четыре ведущих клуба Премьер Лиги, имея перед глазами собственный пример борьбы против ухода Габриэля Хайнце в «Ливерпуль» в 2007 году.

Они также хорошо понимают, что Венгер вряд ли уйдет из клуба, и на «Олд Траффорд» знают, насколько сложными будут переговоры с одним из главных конкурентов, и сколько препятствий предстоит пройти, чтобы Насри стал четвертым новичком «Манчестер Юнайтед» в это межсезонье, не считая чисто финансовых расходов на эту сделку в целом, порядка 70 млн. фунтов.

Тем не менее, «Юнайтед» готов побороться за Насри насколько он сможет это сделать, поскольку сам футболист хочет перейти на «Олд Траффорд», по финансовым причинам, и из-за того, что «Арсенал» не выиграл ни одного трофея с тех пор как он пришел в команду из «Марселя» в 2008 году.

«Арсенал» предложил французу новый контракт с зарплатой в 90 тысяч фунтов в неделю, что сделало бы его самым высокооплачиваемым игроком клуба, наряду с Сеском Фабрегасом, но 24-летний игрок осознает, что это максимальное финансовое предложение клуба, Венгер не готов ломать ради Насри жесткую структуру зарплат в команде, тогда как в «Юнайтед» ему могли бы предложить контракт с зарплатой более 100 тысяч фунтов в неделю.

Насри провел первый день предсезонной подготовки в «Арсенале», но, судя по всему, не обсуждал с Венгером сложившуюся ситуацию, и когда такие переговоры состоятся не ясно. Если тупиковая ситуация не разрешится, что «Арсенал» рискует через год потерять Самира бесплатно, так же как это случилось с Матье Фламини, когда он в качестве свободного агента ушел в «Милан» в 2008 году. Ситуацию с Насри в «Арсенале» помимо «Манчестер Юнайтед» отслеживают также «Манчестер Сити», «Челси» и «Интер».

В воскресенье «канониры» вылетают в азиатское турне, и с учетом того, что команду стремится покинуть ее капитан Сеск Фабрегас, который хочет наконец вернуться в «Барселону», Венгер понимает, что потеря Насри вкупе с уходом Гаэля Клиши в «Сити», будет негативным сигналом для его соперников. Венгер надеется, что к концу июля, когда команда проведет все свои товарищеские матчи, ситуация с будущим Насри прояснится, хотя не исключено, что его летняя трансферная сага может стать одной из самых длинных.
Севак, а что такого то?!) ты про отравления?!) ну водку бухать не будем)
там люди коктейли пили какие то...лучше бери в магазинах бухло, он не дорогое там
че то я тож по ходу в турцию свалю, тока не оч хочется в свете посл событий
так погодите пару месяцев, подкопите бабла и в Тайланд))
эх вы... первым делом только в Манчестер
//Manchester City confirm 10-year stadium renaming in Etihad Stadium /

Интересное тут, вот что. Etihad (Этихад) с арабского , означает "Объединенные" ..т.е United ))
типо новый что ли?
Мансуру ведь не разрешали
а епт все врубился просто ренэйминг незаметил
Some people won't take no for an answer. Despite Daniel Levy essentially scrawling 'not for sale' across Luka Modric's forehead, Caughtoffside.com now claims that United will test Spurs' resolve to hold onto the Croatian by offering Dimitar Berbatov, Jonny Evans, £12million and a full tank of petrol.

United and Arsenal may only be comparative pennies away from agreeing a fee for Samir Nasri, according to reports, but the Reds are allegedly happy to play the waiting game. The Daily Telegraph insists that David Gill and Sir Alex Ferguson will leave a £20million cheque on Arsene Wenger's desk, whistle and walk away, in the hope that the Gunners will relent and accept the offer before the end of the transfer window.
The Sunderland Echo reckon Darron Gibson's chances of joining Wes and Sheasy at the Stadium of Light are now 'remote' as they feel Stoke are now favourites to pay £6m for the United midfielder.
Arsenal have had a bid for Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain rejected by Southampton.

The Daily Mail says Gunners boss Arsene Wenger suffered a blow late on Thursday evening after a £6m bid for England starlet Oxlade-Chamberlain was rejected by Southampton.

Saints boss Nigel Adkins is reluctant to lose his star 17 year-old.

Also interested in the winger is Manchester United.

лучше бы Окслейда взяли на фланг, чем Насри..
The agent of Wesley Sneijder has played down talk of the Inter Milan star moving to Manchester United.

United are chasing the Holland international this summer.

"There's always rumours," says Soren Lerby. "We're accustomed to them but, take it from me, there is currently nothing concrete happening. Everyone is still scanning and exploring the market. It is too early for the big clubs to take action. At this stage, I can only say he still has a contract until 2015 with Inter.

"That is the situation and not otherwise."

He added it's "not so strange" that the top English clubs are linked with Sneijder.
Arsenal boss Wenger tells Nasri: You can go - once replacement signed.
кароче ничего конкретного пока нет...((
Тем временем Смоллинг подписал новый контракт на 5 лет
сема, в отличие от вчерашнего, оказался быстрее, но, на этот раз, ошибся веткой ;)
длинная хуйня про Веса и Швайни

Transfer Targets: Comparing Sneijder & Schweinsteiger
By DBSFootball Published: 8th July 2011

Every Manchester United fan have their favourite as to who they would like to see brought in to the United midfield to replace the almost irreplaceable Paul Scholes, and I'm sure Sir Alex Ferguson also has his favourite for the job too, especially as it is such a vital role in the United team. There are only a handful of player to choose from however - a select few players who are considered to have the quality needed to take on the task of pulling the strings in a Manchester United side fighting to be the best in the world.

Two players who are said to be close to the top of Manchester United's wish-list are Wesley Sneijder and Bastian Schweinsteiger - two players who are very close in age, and most probably soon to reach the peak of their footballing careers. Both are attack minded midfield players, who are both proven on the world stage, playing their football over the past nine years with the biggest football clubs in the Europe. But which player would be the most suitable of choices for Manchester United? In this article, I will compare the two in an attempt to discover the answer to this very expensive question.

Lets start with the basics. Wesley Sneijder is an attacking midfielder and turned 27 last month. He is the product of the highly successful youth academy of Ajax, which has produced previous footballing legends including Johan Cruijff, Marco van Basten, Frank Rijkaard, and the former Arsenal striker, Dennis Bergkamp, so we know that Sneijder has been taught well. In fact, the philosophy of the Ajax youth academy is to play attractive, offensive-minded, creative, fast and fair football - preferably far away from the own goal on the opponents’ half, which is very much Manchester United's style at times.

Bastian Schweinsteiger can play in a similar position to Sneijder - centrally, but has been deployed primarily on the wings throughout his career, though it is this versatility that marks him out as a top player, and he is soon to turn 27. The German international has been at Bayern Munich ever since he turned professional in 2002, after graduating from the Bayern youth set-up. Whilst Manchester United have never seen a German play a role in their side, they have had a Bayern Munich youth academy graduate in Owen Hargreaves grace the midfield - perhaps as he has now left, United will bring in another in Schweinsteiger.

Both players had very successful World Cups last year, playing in the central role that United are looking for in their team, but Sneijder and Schweinsteiger have been the creative forces behind their respective clubs for a while. Statistics are not what football is all about, but looking at the stats for these two players over the years proved some interesting viewing.

Conveniently, the two midfielder's began their careers in football in the same season - 2003/04, - so there is a more balanced comparison when it comes to their appearances, goals and assists. Over the past nine seasons, Schweinsteiger has played the more games, with 348 appearances to Sneijder's 325, however, you may take into consideration Sneijder's moves to different clubs, as well as his period at Real Madrid, when he wasn't always a regular starter.

In the goals scored section, there is one clear winner in Wesley Sneijder, as the 83 career goals for the Dutchman is more than double that of the German's 40. But goals were not Schweinsteiger's game for a long period in which he was played on the wing, as he was the creator instead, and as a result has managed 72 career assists compared to Sneijder's 19 (although assists in 5 years at Ajax have for some reason not been recorded).
Now, how do they fit in Manchester United's side? As mentioned before, they both occupy that central midfield role - an advanced role, similar to that of Paul Scholes earlier in his career. Schweinsteiger played in a more defensive role in the World Cup - a holding role, which again emphasises his versatility, but with United, he would be more likely to be deployed in a more advanced role, which would see him play as a classic box-to-box midfielder.

Sneijder is a great passer of the ball, and someone with a very quick thinking and visionary mind on the football pitch. He can play with both feet which is a useful, and unpredictable advantage to have, and as mentioned before, he scores goals from the midfield, as well as creates them, mainly thanks to his set piece delivery and fierce shot.

Both players are known for their stunning set-piece deliveries - particularly Schweinsteiger, whose direct play also showcases some thunderous shots from long range, which are incredibly accurate. Sneijder also shares the powerful shot, and both are also very energetic and most importantly, creative.

What of their chances to join? Well, Schweinsteiger, my favourite for the job would apparently cost in the region of £30 million, on wages of around £150,000 per week, which is certainly manageable for United, however it is his recently signed contract, running until 2016 which marks any deal quite unlikely.

Sneijder on the other hand has by no means committed himself fully to Inter Milan, and the Inter manager has recently told of the possibility of Sneijder leaving in the summer, saying that he may soon become available for transfer. The Dutchman would cost a whopping £35-40 million plus apparent £200,000 a week in wages, which over four years could end up totalling over £80 million.

While Schweinsteiger seems to me the most natural of replacements for Paul Scholes, Sneijder is certainly both the fans favourite and the media's favourite, with constant rumours linking him to a move to United. It is very difficult to believe much you read at this time of the year, but it does seem a certainty that United will be recruiting a new midfielder. Whether it be Samri Nasri from Arsenal, Bastian Schweinsteiger from Bayern or Wesley Sneijder from Inter, we will just have to wait and see.
Роман, всего лишь небольшой оффтопик:)
Швайни было бы очень круто взять, он бы точно решил все наши проблемы в центре
я про то, что в Новости МЮ, а не в Трансферы

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