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Janko was born on June 22, 1984. To this day he lives at the same address at Studentska St. in New Belgrade. He enjoyed all the love from his family, pampered by everyone. He was a big and happy baby and he grew up with no problems whatsoever. When he was very young his favorite toy was a gray teddy bear, but most of all he loved endless splashing in his bath. He started walking (or should we say running) when he was nine months old. Since then he hardly ever parted from any ball he could find.
He wasn’t even two when the neighbors predicted him a soccer career. He also liked badminton, sponge ball racket games, bicycles, tree climbing, skateboard and any game involving running with equipment that goes with it. He didn’t go to day care because his mother decided that she was going to be a very active participant in her children’s growing up. At an early age you had to put him to sleep by telling him stories – from the top of your head, not reading from the book. That was very important to him. He wasn’t finicky about his food.
His brother Veljko, two years younger then himself, always kept him company, the way he does today, too.
He loved cartoons and the zoo. You couldn’t explain to him why he couldn’t get out of the moving car when he wanted to. He spent his summers in Brus and at the coast; his winters he spent in the mountains, skiing, because that was his father’s favorite sport.
With two boys in the house, it was always very hectic of course. The balls often ended in the pots with milk or other food, and a penal shot was performed from the dining table more than once.
Once, while having a walk, Janko’s grandfather spotted a tennis school ad. The idea was welcomed with enthusiasm in the family, mostly because it would give them a chance to have a quiet cup of coffee on weekends. Although he didn’t go to day care, Janko knew how to behave in a group with children he didn’t know. He started to attend "Skoligrica" (a pre-school facility) when he was three and also the English lessons when he was five. So this new activity had its purpose in channeling his enormous energy in an organized and useful manner.
So it happened that Janko went to his first tennis lesson on November 11, 1990. For that purpose a wooden tennis racket was found in the house (a gift from his grandmother), which, although too big for him, had to do for starters. He hardly ever parted from the racket since. After a couple of lessons, the coach talked to the parents and suggested that Janko had lessons three times a week in the group of children older and more experienced than himself. So, gradually, tennis became a major activity in Janko’s daily schedule.
Three months later the experts evaluated Janko as a big talent, which made his father take serious actions towards developing his tennis skills. The following year coach Vlada Stojakovic put a lot of effort in Janko’s progress.
At the time Janko’s training partner was Nikola Djordjevic, one of the most promising young tennis talents.
Then the war came and coach Vlada left the country. His colleague, Vlada Ristic, took over. In the first couple of years Janko practiced in two different places. During winter at the gym in "Sedam sekretara SKOJ-a" Elementary School, during summer on ground courts at "11. april" Sports Center.
In February 1993 "AS" New Belgrade Tennis Club was founded. It so happened that in April of that year the management of the Club hired Mr. Roman Savochkin, a Russian citizen, as the head coach. Roman was a good player and a high quality coach. Janko was very lucky to start practicing with him as a nine year old kid. They have cherished this cooperation ever since.
Then Yugoslav championships for ten and twelve year old children came along and Janko competed successfully with older kids. Those were the beginnings of his competitive tennis career.
Janko was born on June 22, 1984. To this day he lives at the same address at Studentska St. in New Belgrade. He enjoyed all the love from his family, pampered by everyone. He was a big and happy baby and he grew up with no problems whatsoever. When he was very young his favorite toy was a gray teddy bear, but most of all he loved endless splashing in his bath. He started walking (or should we say running) when he was nine months old. Since then he hardly ever parted from any ball he could find.
He wasn’t even two when the neighbors predicted him a soccer career. He also liked badminton, sponge ball racket games, bicycles, tree climbing, skateboard and any game involving running with equipment that goes with it. He didn’t go to day care because his mother decided that she was going to be a very active participant in her children’s growing up. At an early age you had to put him to sleep by telling him stories – from the top of your head, not reading from the book. That was very important to him. He wasn’t finicky about his food.
His brother Veljko, two years younger then himself, always kept him company, the way he does today, too.
He loved cartoons and the zoo. You couldn’t explain to him why he couldn’t get out of the moving car when he wanted to. He spent his summers in Brus and at the coast; his winters he spent in the mountains, skiing, because that was his father’s favorite sport.
With two boys in the house, it was always very hectic of course. The balls often ended in the pots with milk or other food, and a penal shot was performed from the dining table more than once.
Once, while having a walk, Janko’s grandfather spotted a tennis school ad. The idea was welcomed with enthusiasm in the family, mostly because it would give them a chance to have a quiet cup of coffee on weekends. Although he didn’t go to day care, Janko knew how to behave in a group with children he didn’t know. He started to attend "Skoligrica" (a pre-school facility) when he was three and also the English lessons when he was five. So this new activity had its purpose in channeling his enormous energy in an organized and useful manner.
So it happened that Janko went to his first tennis lesson on November 11, 1990. For that purpose a wooden tennis racket was found in the house (a gift from his grandmother), which, although too big for him, had to do for starters. He hardly ever parted from the racket since. After a couple of lessons, the coach talked to the parents and suggested that Janko had lessons three times a week in the group of children older and more experienced than himself. So, gradually, tennis became a major activity in Janko’s daily schedule.
Three months later the experts evaluated Janko as a big talent, which made his father take serious actions towards developing his tennis skills. The following year coach Vlada Stojakovic put a lot of effort in Janko’s progress.
At the time Janko’s training partner was Nikola Djordjevic, one of the most promising young tennis talents.
Then the war came and coach Vlada left the country. His colleague, Vlada Ristic, took over. In the first couple of years Janko practiced in two different places. During winter at the gym in "Sedam sekretara SKOJ-a" Elementary School, during summer on ground courts at "11. april" Sports Center.
In February 1993 "AS" New Belgrade Tennis Club was founded. It so happened that in April of that year the management of the Club hired Mr. Roman Savochkin, a Russian citizen, as the head coach. Roman was a good player and a high quality coach. Janko was very lucky to start practicing with him as a nine year old kid. They have cherished this cooperation ever since.
Then Yugoslav championships for ten and twelve year old children came along and Janko competed successfully with older kids. Those were the beginnings of his competitive tennis career.
Могу 100% сказать, что если ты это еще не читала, то там ОЧЕНЬ много интересного. Но как я уже сказал, тебе решать )))
в общем Россия не последняя для Янко страна))))
Посвящена она горнолыжному курорту Сербии Копаонику. Делал он ее вместе Драганой Николич, а презентация ее была 14 мая )))
И брат у него молодец. Получил 30 баллов из 30 возможных )))
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Prodicna manufaktura
Iako smo tek zakoracili u novi milenijum, buducnost jugoslovenskog tenisa je vac pocela. Na otvorenom prvenstvu Australije za igrace do osamnaest godina dominirali su Jugosloveni. Dvoje od nekoliko nasih veoma uspesnih predstavnika Jelena Jakovic u zenskoj i Janko Tipsarevic u muskoj konkurenciji stigli su do pobednickog postolja.
Ali naoko ekscentrican momak Janko najvise je osvojio srca australijskih ljubitelja tenisa. A Australijanci se razumeju u tenis kao Britanci u fudbal.
- Izgleda da je atraktivan. Konacno i mi imamo igraca koji je uspostavio kontakt sa tamosnjom publikom, sa australijskim medijima, kaze mama Vesna trazeci odgovor na pitanje velikog publiciteta prve Jankove pobedena ovom velikom svetskom vasaru belog sporta.
Janko Tipsarevic je osmonedeljnu turneju, tokom koje je odigrao osam turnira, a osvojio sest, otputovao kao petnaesti a vratio se kuci kao prvi igrac na svetskoj juniorskoj rang listi. Ili trenutno je najbolji junior sveta. Cilj mu je bio skromniji, da bude medju prva tri igraca svog uzrasta.
Vest da je Janko postao prvi junior sveta na planeti, prvi je objavio lokalni radio u potkopaonickom gradicu Brus, na praznik Rodjenja Hristovog, posto je Tipsarevic svom teci Pedji DJordjevicu javio da je pobedio na turniru u San Hozeu (Kostarika). Bio je to sesti turnir na ovoj turneji, treci zaredom na kojem je pobedio. Isti uspeh je ponovio na pripremnom turniru u Melburnu.
- Mogao sam da u borbu za osvajanje prvog Gren slema udjem neopterecen uspehom po svaku cenu. Vise me niko nije mogao ugroziti na prvom mestu, a cilj mi je bio da se kuci vratim kao prvi junior sveta. Pa ipak, zeleo sam da cetiri vezano osvojena turnira krunisem osvajanjem i najvaznijeg.
U sobu ulazi teca iz Brusa.
- Rekao mi je pre pet godina, kada sam osvojio Limon Boul u Rimu, da cu igrati na otvorenom prvenstvu Australije. Imao je osecaj da cu postici veliki uspeh u tenisu, prokomentarisao je tecino prisustvo australijski pobenik.
Od poraza protiv Bugarina Todora Eneva u cetvrtfinalu Oranz boula, Janko nije izgubio nijedan mec. Pobeda protiv Tajlandjanina Vanga u finalu juniorskog Gren slema u Melburnu bila je trideseta zaredom. Ali i do nje i nije ni stigao lako.
- Vanga smatram jednim od najvecih talenata na svetu. Nisam ga potcenio ali nisam ni ocekivao da ce tako dobro igrati. U predhodna cetiri meca nisam mu prepustio ni jedan set.
Kada je u nedelju ujutru u stanu Tipsarevica u pola pet zazvonio telefon u isti mah su pojurili da podignu slusalicu - baba Radmila, mama Vesna, brat Veljko.
- Znala sam da je pobedio cim se odmah javio. Sve je u redu potvrdio je tata Pavle iz Melburna, kaze mama Vesna.
Tetka Zora iz Brusa je gotovo telepatski videla da je Janko bio na iskusenjima:
- Nekako sam se kiselo osecala. Znala sam da ce biti tesko.
- Mi u Jugoslaviji imamo utisak da mu pozitivnom energijom i lepim mislima pomazemo, da stvarno aktivno ucestvujemo u igri. Ako izgubi, obicno kazemo nema veze, na porazima se uci.
Tata dodaje:
- To se retko dogadja. Mi ucimo na pobedama.
U porodici Tipsarevica sve je nekako podredjeno uspehu njihovog ljubimca. Slobodno se moze zakljuciti da je Janko Tipsarevic "proizvod" porodicne manufakture, da svako na svoj nacin doprinosi uspehu. A uspehu kao sto je ovaj u Melburnu raduju se svi, od predsednika bruske opstine do predsednika drzave.
U ovom se kratko uzivalo. U aprilu su vec nova iskusenja. Jankov je cilj da ove godine bude medju pet stotina najboljih igraca na ATP listi. Predstoji velika borba za svaki poen.
А так я тока за))
П.С.у меня и российских то не осталось - сестра все испортила/потеряла...