Неоспоримый 3

Тока что посмотрел его и хочу заявит что это один из лучших махачей в кино за последние лет 10, Эдкинс просто рвет и мечет. Абсолютно все бои поставлены просто офигеней некуда, фильм по всем параметрам уделывает вторую часть. Во время просмотра последнего боя, меня аж проперло что я начал вместе с толпой на экране орать БОКА, БОЙКА, БОЙКА, БОЙКА.
Смотрел на английском и прсто офигевал с акцента Эдкинса и его боса Гаги(в хорошем смысле).
В общем обязательно когда он появится на лицензионом блю рее возьму его себе в колекцию.
Смотрел на английском и не все диалоги понял, так что Бойко так и не поставили титановую чашечку как заявлялось ранее?
мельянов Андрй
6 июн 2010 в 1:31
Сделал но другую вариацию. Причем сделал два раза.+
у меня на 1 23 52 было))
вчера в 1:34
С такими то деньгами,паспорт не нужен :D
не ну границу как пересечь?подделает да и вседелов))интересно было бы узнать о его герое в молодые годы-школа и т.д.
1. понравилось история Бойки! когда в начале видим какового бомжа, который полы драет... а могли бы этого не делать, но все равно классно получилось!
2. как же мне прикалывает его русский акцент! что Скотт что Майкл Холлик (Нико Беллик) как будто русские... это выше всех похвал (Скотту отдельное уважение)!
3. фильм очень очень хороший бои на уровне, крови море, Бойка накачался!
кто не видел, смотрите!
cleaning toilets and sewer pipes.
My free time is spent
in the gym.
They have this tournament
I plan to win.
My rhymes are ill,
breaking bones is my skill,
so say your prayers and sign your will
cuz your the next one I plan to kill.
Im self trained and managed by Mr. Gaga,
*beep* I know muay thai and krav maga!
My motherland is Russia, its in the east,
don't *beep* with me, Im huge as a beast.
They call me Boyka the Brave,
so start digging your own grave.
Chief guard the old prick
wanted to suck Turbos d*ck.
I helped Turbo to escape
before he's a** was raped.
Threw a guard with a rock,
just like playing baseball.
punch,throw,kick, joint lock,
that is how i killed em all.
Now when Turbo being free
I continued my winning spree
I hit Dolor to the chest
to prove I'm the best.
That didn't work out well
but this was Gorgon this was hell.
I have always been the undisputed king
but Dolor knocked me outta the ring
Then i saw my mop and remembered myself sweepin'
I got back up and it only took
few kicks and one hook
to put him sleepin'.
While Dolor was lying in his blood on the floor
I asked warden Kuss to show me the exit door.
They didn't expect me to be the last fighter left
they wanted to kill me but I wasn't scared of death.
I felt the gun at the back of my head
in a few seconds i was gonna be dead.
BOOM! ,gunshot and my heart stopped
but I realized the guard behind me was dropped.
I saw Turbo coming guns blazin' from the woods
owning the place like it was his neighbourhood
them guards had no place to hide
I said thanks, Turbo only replied:
What you say? Cuz my hearing comes and goes
like these trailer park h*es.
I was hiding behind the bush
waiting to make this ambush
I could not let you be executed,
cuz you my man, will always stay undisputed.
breaking bones is my skill,
so say your prayers and sign your will
cuz your the next one I plan to kill.
Im self trained and managed by Mr. Gaga,
*beep* I know muay thai and krav maga!
My motherland is Russia, its in the east,
don't *beep* with me, Im huge as a beast.
They call me Boyka the Brave,
so start digging your own grave.
Chief guard the old prick
wanted to suck Turbos d*ck.
I helped Turbo to escape
before he's a** was raped.
Threw a guard with a rock,
just like playing baseball.
punch,throw,kick, joint lock,
that is how i killed em all.
Now when Turbo being free
I continued my winning spree
I hit Dolor to the chest
to prove I'm the best.
That didn't work out well
but this was Gorgon this was hell.
I have always been the undisputed king
but Dolor knocked me outta the ring
Then i saw my mop and remembered myself sweepin'
I got back up and it only took
few kicks and one hook
to put him sleepin'.
While Dolor was lying in his blood on the floor
I asked warden Kuss to show me the exit door.
They didn't expect me to be the last fighter left
they wanted to kill me but I wasn't scared of death.
I felt the gun at the back of my head
in a few seconds i was gonna be dead.
BOOM! ,gunshot and my heart stopped
but I realized the guard behind me was dropped.
I saw Turbo coming guns blazin' from the woods
owning the place like it was his neighbourhood
them guards had no place to hide
I said thanks, Turbo only replied:
What you say? Cuz my hearing comes and goes
like these trailer park h*es.
I was hiding behind the bush
waiting to make this ambush
I could not let you be executed,
cuz you my man, will always stay undisputed.