Signature campaign Joubert and figure skating for future!!

Остальные виды спорта: Signature campaign Joubert and figure skating for futureHello, and thank you Joubert fan group Webmastar and Joubert fans. I got permission from Maria and made this topic. I am very glad if you cooperate with our signature campaign.

We are "Figure Skating Fan's Club".

This topic is signature campain advertising of japanese fan's!

We are Figure skating fan. of Japan.
We are fans of Joubert.
Seeing he having accomplished revival in the world championship, and we were mad with joy.

However, there is a thing thinking in doubt to us very much.
Why will he be the third place? With SP, the LP, he gave a splendid performance.
In total 3 performed quads, too.
We think that we cannot understand except he was placed in second, at least.

We think so ISU should be change the base values of quads.
We are collecting signatures to demand ISU to change Figure skating's judging system better.
Therefore We collect signatures.

Thank you!

Kei Yukikawa
50 комментариев
Do you think will it be work for ISU?
Девчонки, переведите кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, чтобы все были в курсе.

I think activity is better than doing nothing...

I'm sorry, I don't understand a Russian...
Насколько я поняла, ребята с сайта
собирают подписи с требованием к ISU доработать систему судейства и повысить базовую стоимость четверных прыжков.
Также говориться о несправедливом судействе на ЧМ, где Жубер блестяще откатал КП и ПП, прыгнул 3 квада, но в итоге ему дали только 3 место, хотя заслуживал он хотя бы 2...
totaly agree with Kei!!! It's worth doing anything if not change but at least influence the situation. But I do hope that the rules will be changed and the quard value will be higher!
- Zhanneta

I'm sorry, I don't understand a Russian...
But, I understand a English.

Thank you, Masha!!
I think too.
I did it!!!! I also agree with girls!!! This is stupid system!!!
to Kei Yukikawa

I translated your message in Russian-)
Kei, I agree that ISU must change the base values of quads. I hope the situation will change, because it is very important for all strong skaters!
Жанетта, спасибо!))) Пожалуйста, переведите от меня Кей (сама не хочу, боюсь, не поймет)))
"Я, конечно, тоже подписалась, потому что другого выхода не вижу, но это снова может привести к погоне за квадами в ущерб остальному..."

Kei, parlez-vous francais?..

Thank you Zhanneta! I translated your massege in English,too!
But...I don't understand Russian...

Thank you,Maria!
And, you intrduced to me of other Joubert foram when I glad.

No,I don't speak French.
I'm Japanese.
Of cource, I can understand Japanese.
Other language is I can understand English a little.
Translation the message from Olga Kuranova to Kei : "Of course, I signed, because I don't see the other way out. But I'm also anxious, that the changes in system will lead to the "jump" skating and some other elements will be missed. "
Ольга, я надеюсь, правильно интерпретировала вашу мысль про четверные в ущерб остальному-)

Thank you tlanslated for me. I'm very glad!

I can understand your worry.

We thought.
At first revival of "jump".
The other elements are already determined by PCS.
All the demands may not go….
Жаннетa, спасибо!)))
The dealine is fast approaching of our activity.
we activity a finish plan, 5 May.

thank you everyone!
Sure, I signed.
You're absolutely right.
туплю... где подписываться?
Катя, ты по ссылке, которая в начальном сообщении дана, нажми и там уже на сайте маленькую анкетку заполнить надо!

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