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29 сентября в первой гонке 11-го этапа молодежного чемпионата GP2 одержал свою первую победу гонщик команды Campos Grand Prix – Виталий Петров. Это первая победа российского гонщика в столь престижной серии. И, несмотря на свой плотный график, Виталий согласился дать интервью для AVTOSPORT.RU.
158 комментариев
вот еще одно старенькое интервью http://www.mhealth.ru/life/knowhow/249716/
А.П.: А “Формула-1” — предел мечтаний?
В.П.: Не-а! Моя жизненная цель — ралли по лесу, с безумной скоростью. Может, годиков через шесть, когда в “Формуле” сделаю всех.

!!! Знай Наших!!! :)))
Интервью с Виталием есть в журнале F1LIFE 3(5). Материал: "Уж любить, так Королеву!"
Valencia Race One Press Conference
GP2 Series: Vitaly, congratulations on your third win in Valencia: there must be something about this place that you really like...
Vitaly Petrov: Yeah, I don't know how to explain it! [laughs]
GP2 Series: It was certainly a tough race for you. You were worried yesterday about getting away from the dirty side, but it seemed pretty good to me: how was it for you?
Vitaly: Yeah I did a good start, but it was a right corner so there was no way to overtake. So I did one good trick, was working a little bit and Nico missed a little the braking: I think he was just looking a little bit in the mirror and braked late, yes? [laughs] And it was the dirty side...
Nico Hülkenberg: You were in the middle as well, no?
Vitaly: But after, I come back! [laughs] No, I was in the middle, but I know I had the balance for the start a little bit the other way...
Nico: I didn't have a problem with locking, just braking late...
Vitaly: It was the dirty side, and I think it was too late.
Nico: Yeah, it was too late, actually! [laughs]
GP2 Series: From there on you led for the rest of the race: how hard was the race, and how much were you feeling the pressure from the fellow behind you?
Vitaly: The pressure was from beginning to the end, but it was good: I was in control, I know where he can pass me, I know what he can do with me and at what corners, but I had a problem with the brakes so this is why he was really quick, and better in the braking. So for the middle sector and the last corner he was always catching me under braking: my car was good, very good, in the corners and in the exit of corners, and from Friday we don't know what happened, but we'll find the problem with the brakes. It's always the rear lock: I can't brake late.
GP2 Series: With a few laps to go it looked as though you were trying for the fastest lap, but he was with you: do you think it might have been possible otherwise?
Vitaly: For me it wasn't really important, the fastest lap, because he was behind me.
GP2 Series: Not even for the point?
Vitaly: Yeah it's good, of course, but for me it was difficult to try for fastest lap, to risk it: I thought it was better to finish the race and be first.
GP2 Series: After the last few races I imagine it's just good to be on the top step again...
Vitaly: Yeah of course, because I wanted to do it in qualifying, but that was a bit difficult. But the third race (won) here, it must be something important, but I don't know what... [laughs]
GP2 Series: The team?
Vitaly: Yeah, because the team is here: for them it is really important to win here.
GP2 Series: Nico, second today in what looked like a fairly tough race: how was it from inside the car?
Nico Hülkenberg: Especially hot! But it's not too easy to follow a guy for the whole race, and to stick to your driving style and lines, and to drive tidy and nice. I think we did everything right, apart from my mistake going into turn one when I braked a little ... optimistic and lost two places there, then caught Sergio back in the first lap and just stuck behind Vitaly for the whole race.
GP2 Series: He's very famous for being making life difficult if you want to overtake: would you agree with this reputation?
Nico: Yeah. He did a good job and didn't make any mistakes, which didn't make it any easier, but I think generally this circuit is not easy to overtake, as usual.
GP2 Series: About halfway through the race you dropped a couple of seconds in one lap, but we didn't see anything on screen: what happened there?
Nico: I just took a gap on Vitaly, and the next lap just pushed to make sure that I could do the quickest lap, to make sure that we could get at least one more point.
GP2 Series: Good job. Sergio, congratulations on taking your first podium in the main series: how does it feel?
Sergio Perez: It's been a while, it's been a very tough season for us, for the whole team
первое интервью в качестве официального пилота Формулы-1:

интервью на английском:
блиц-интервью чемпионату.ру о тестах в Хересе

ответы Виталия на вопросы болельщиков (ФЕВРАЛЬ, ЛЕНТА.РУ)

эксклюзивное интервью Петрова сайту Чемпионат.ру-
интервью для ф1ньюз
от 23 февраля- http://www.f1news.ru/interview/petrov/55997.shtml
после ГП-КИТАЯ:
* [http://www.championat.ru/auto/news-472954.html|КОММЕНТАРИИ Российского пилота о прошедшем ГП Китая]
* [http://www.f1news.ru/interview/petrov/57321.shtml|блиц-интервью после гонки]
Катерина Королева написала
сегодня в 22:36
свежее интервью с Виталиком из Испании)
читайте, комментируйте)
В пятницу в тренировочных заездах перед стартом "Гран-при Испании" российский пилот "Рено" показал 9-е и 16-е время. А спустя час после завершения вечерней сессии дал интервью "СЭ".
Эрик Булье: Петров уже превзошел наши ожидания

Виталий Петров: "В Монако поедем с друзьями на машине"

Эрик Буйе: "Петров в "Рено" не из-за денег"


Интервью специальному корреспонденту "СЭ" во время "Гран-при Испании" дал шеф команды "Рено" 37-летний француз Эрик Буйе
Оксана Косаченко: Петров не зарабатывает ни копейки
Эрик Буйе о выступлении Виталия Петрова в Монако

Воскресная гонка завершилась дублем пилотов "Ред Булл" Марка Уэббера и Себастьяна Феттеля, которые и возглавили общий зачет чемпионата мира. Виталий Петров сошел за пять кругов до финиша по указанию руководителей команды из-за незначительной неисправности машины.

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