Предлагаю скидывать сюда все кричалки про Стивена (от каждого по одной), которые знаете. Так же приветствуются собственные сочинения, если таковые конечно имеются)
Your just to good to be true, Can't take the ball off of you, You've got a heavenly touch, You pass like Souness to Rush, And when we're pissed in the bars, We thank the lord that your ours, Your just to good to be true, Can't take the ball off of you,
Steven, Steven, Steven Gerrard, Steven, Steven, Steven Gerrard, Steven, Steven, Steven Gerrard, Steven, Steven, Steven Gerrard,
Oh Steven Gerrard Because he hates Man U, Oh Steven Gerrard, He hates the blue s*ite too, Oh Steven Gerrard, You're a red through and through!
And then one night in Turkey, It was 21 years since Rome, With a Liverbird upon his chest, He brought the cup back home, Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur, Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur, Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur
He'll pass the ball 40 yards
He's big and he's f**kin' hard
Steve Gerrard Gerrard.
Ну эту любой дурак знает =]
среди ливерпульских болельщиков еще возможна такая версия:
Steve Gerrard Gerrard,
He'll pass the ball 40 yards
He's better than Frank Lampard
Steve Gerrard Gerrard.
это свято во время матчей с Челси =D
Can't take the ball off of you,
You've got a heavenly touch,
You pass like Souness to Rush,
And when we're pissed in the bars,
We thank the lord that your ours,
Your just to good to be true,
Can't take the ball off of you,
Steven, Steven, Steven Gerrard,
Steven, Steven, Steven Gerrard,
Steven, Steven, Steven Gerrard,
Steven, Steven, Steven Gerrard,
Oh Steven Gerrard
Because he hates Man U,
Oh Steven Gerrard,
He hates the blue s*ite too,
Oh Steven Gerrard,
You're a red through and through!
He’s big and he’s fucking hard, Steve Gerrard, Gerrard
Steve Gerrard, Gerrard
Steven Gerrard is our captain,
Steven Gerrard is a red,
Steven Gerrard plays for Liverpool,
A Scouser born and bred.
Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur,
Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur,
Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur.
And then one night in Turkey,
It was 21 years since Rome,
With a Liverbird upon his chest,
He brought the cup back home,
Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur,
Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur,
Dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur
Steven Gerrard is our Captain,
Steven Gerrard is a Red,
Steven Gerrard Plays for Liverpool,
Scouser Born and Bread.
Then one night in Turkey,
It was 21 Years since Rome,
With a Liverbird Upon His Chest,
He Brought The Cup Back Home...
And a sunny day in Cardiff,
when we won the FA Cup.
Steven Gerrard scored from 30 yards
to shut the cockneys up!