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Мне бы хотелось знать кто какие упражнения делает для улучшения физического состояния.
Желательно описать упражнение - группу задействованных мышц,ну и с какой целью происходит нарабатывание)
ну и вообще,помимо тренировки кто сколько времени уделяет на офп
Начну с себя =)
так как занимаюсь греко-римской борьбой,то особой нужды в офп нет,так как задействованны почти все группы мышц,но тем не менее грудь у многих борцов без соответствующих упражнений не особо развита,поэтому приходится нарабатывать все это классическими отжиманиями =)
2 подхода широким,2 подхода узким,1 подход с хлопками,1 подход сверхузким (Арни описывал это дело,руки вплотную ставятся,а локти в стороны разводятся),ну и сколько есть сил после тренировки,то прогнать еще раз)
и любимое мое-турник =)

UFC 137: Penn vs. Diaz 30 октября co-main event

Остальные виды спорта: UFC 137  Penn vs  Diaz 30 октября co main eventТурнир: UFC 137 - St. Pierre vs. Condit
Дата: Воскресенье, 30 октября
Место проведения: Mandalay Bay Events Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

★★★ Главное событие: ★★★
Welterweight Championship bout: Georges St. Pierre vs. Carlos Condit - за титул чемпиона в полусреднем весе

★ Бои основного карда: ★

Welterweight bout: BJ Penn vs. Nick Diaz
Heavyweight bout: Cheick Kongo vs. Matt Mitrione
Heavyweight bout: Mirko Filipović vs. Roy Nelson
Featherweight bout: George Roop vs. Hatsu Hioki

Предворительные бои по Spike TV:

Lightweight bout: Dennis Siver vs. Donald Cerrone
Featherweight bout: Tyson Griffin vs. Bart Palaszewski

Предворительные бои:

Middleweight bout: Brad Tavares vs. Tim Credeur
Bantamweight bout: Scott Jorgensen vs. Jeff Curran
Light Heavyweight bout: Brandon Vera vs. Eliot Marshall
Lightweight bout: Ramsey Nijem vs. Danny Downes
Middleweight bout: Chris Camozzi vs. Francis Carmont

Еще одна статья

Остальные виды спорта: Еще одна статьяВот нашла статью, но не успела перевести))

By Jean-Christophe Berlot, special to icenetwork.com (03/30/2010)

One month after a disastrous showing at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, Brian Joubert managed an incredible comeback to win the bronze medal at the world championships in Torino.

He talked to icenetwork.com about his state of mind after winning his sixth world medal.

icenetwork: What was your goal coming to Torino for these worlds?
Brian Joubert: I just wanted to come back as I was before: a nice guy, relaxed. I wanted to find myself back to where I was a few years ago, when I was not asking myself any questions and simply wanted to do my job and skate well.

ice: Where do you think these "questions" come from?
Joubert: You know, for two years I practiced with a coach who trained me to calculate [Jean-Christophe Simond coached Brian to his world gold medal in 2007]. Everything had to be calculated with him. Everything had to be questioned all the time. I think he taught that to me. It may be good for some purpose. Yet, I am a guy who needs not to ask questions to oneself, not to calculate, not to analyze. Questions raise doubts, and doubts make me fail.

Of course, the more you grow in age and the more you have questions which come to your mind. I do not think I will ever find back the quietness of mind I had when I was 19 years old. Yet I have the means to be more relaxed. On the ice, but also (and mostly) outside of the ice, in the way I organize my life and set my priorities. This is where the Olympics Games have helped me tremendously to make me more aware and altogether better in my whole life.

ice: The difficulties at the Olympics must have raised even more questions?
Joubert: Oh yes. At the Games I asked myself so many questions. In fact, after the Games I completely lost my confidence. For instance, did that failure mean that I was not a competitor anymore? Also, I have always had difficulties with the International Judging System [Joubert has learned to skate and compete with the 6.0 system]: did I have to quit competing? I was questioning my being a skater, but it went farther. You may know that I see my future in coaching: yet could I be a coach, or should I quit skating at once for the rest of my life?

ice: So how did you manage to come back in Torino?
Joubert: You are right, this is rather ambiguous. I felt good when I arrived in Torino, yet I never found my confidence back. Actually I was terrified when I took the ice for the short program. My six minute warm-up had not been good. But as soon as my music started, all this was over and I had no questions anymore. I just wanted to live my program 100%, without even thinking of the level of my step sequences. And for the free skate, it was the last program for this season, so I really wanted to enjoy it as much as possible.

ice: After you had finally landed successfully your jumps, in the short program, you made a movement toward your coach, Laurent Depouilly.
Joubert: Yes, I wanted to share a look with him at that moment. The quad-triple had been great for the first time in a year, the triple Axel and triple Lutz had been as good and I wanted to give him a tribute. He deserves it. You know, my problems are not only for me, and Laurent had to take his share of them as well. So then, I could finally share joy and achievement with him. It was important for me.

ice: You have landed three quads in this competition, and yet you were only third. How do you feel?
Joubert: I was not really concerned with the results in Torino. Most important for me, however, was that I could enjoy and relax and find myself back. I was happy to land the quad-triple in the short program, and also to have landed two quads in the free program. It was the first time since 2006. Of course I will continue to do quads. I am sure that my competitors will work at them and will have quads by next season. I will not be the only one doing quads next season.

I would love to do the quad flip

Не похоронит ли себя как хоккеист Кови, если подпишете новый многолетний контракт с Атлантой.

Остальные виды спорта: Не похоронит ли себя как хоккеист Кови  если подпишете новый многолетний контракт с АтлантойОтвет Ильи Ковальчука:

- Вспомните, в каком состоянии был «Питтсбург» до локаута. Но команда правильно выбирала на драфте, проводила умную кадровую политику. И сейчас «Питтсбург» стал чемпионом.

Теперь еще проще совершить такой рывок – ведь в лиге введен потолок зарплат. У всех равные возможности. Мне интересно выиграть Кубок Стэнли с «Атлантой». Такая победа будет намного дороже, если помнить, через что я прошел.

...ну чтож, ему виднее)

Статистика 1957

Остальные виды спорта: Статистика 1957СССР - РУМЫНИЯ - 1:1 (0:0)
1 июня 1957 г.
Товарищеский матч.
Москва. Центральный стадион им. В. И. Ленина. 100000 зрителей.
Судья - С. Альнер (Швеция).
СССР: Яшин, Огоньков, Крижевский, Б. Кузнецов, Войнов, Нетто (к), Татушин, Исаев, Стрельцов, Вал. Иванов, Рыжкин (Апухтин, 65).
Тренер - Г. Д. Качалин.
Румыния: Тома, Завода, Аползан, Някшу, Кэлинойу, Боне, Василе Ангел, Константин, Ене, Озон, Тэтару.
Голы: Ене (51), Стрельцов (78).

Shooting class. Группа тренировки броска! постановка и механика броска, развитие мышечной памяти и увеличение результативности

Остальные виды спорта: Shooting class  Группа тренировки броска  постановка и механика броска  развитие мышечной памяти и уГруппа для тех кто хочет поставить или изменить свой бросок, поднять результативность и закрепить ее. Реконструкция броска в правильный, результативный бросок. Индивидуальный подход к каждому игроку. Обучение броскам специфичных для отдельной позиции игрока (от 1 номера до 5)

Вот несколько пунктов, на которых делается основное внимание:
- постановка и реконструкция броска для большей результативности
- работа ног при броске (после дриблинга, после передачи, и.т.д)
- бросок и его "ментальный" аспект
- развитие мышечной памяти
- броски из "зоны"

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