1. БАНДА FORSE - 18 Comment: Very good performance, work on hip hop. But good energy
2. CLIP CLAP - 16 Comment: Good performance, good energy, work on hip hop more
3. FUNNY FUNKERS - 15,25 Comment: Good energy, work on hip hop and other street dance
4. BANDERLOGY - 15 Comment: Work on hip hop and other styles. Good performance
5. SEVEN EIGHT - 14,5 5 Comment: Need more energy in performance an work on hip hop
6. LIL DOUBLE A - 14 Comment: Good performance, work on hip hop
7. PUZZLE - 13,25 Comment: Good energy work on more street dance
8. STEP UP - 13,24 Comment: Work on more hip hop, good energy
9. PUZZLE PERSONALITY - 13 Comment: Need to work on hip hop and other street dance
10. NON STOP - 12,99 Comment: Need more work on locking and hip hop. Good performance
11. SWEET BOХ - 12,98 Comment: Good energy, work on more street styles
12. DRAGON FLY - 11,9 Comment: Work on staying together in performance and hip hop good work Снятые баллы: Выброс предмета (платки) на площадку (-0,1)
13. THE JOKERS - 11,25 Comment: Work on being together and work on more street styles
14. REVIVE DANCE - 11,24 Comment: Work on hip hop and other street dance styles
15. ALTO-ENERGY - 10,95 Comment: Work on dancing together and work on hip hop Снятые баллы: Неаккуратный конец + падение из позы на спину (-0,5)
16. NEXT STEP - 10,5 Comment: Work on staying together and work on hip hop
17. INFECTED MUSHROOMS - 9,95 Comment: Need to work on hip hop and other street dance Нарушения: Майка у одной участницы открытая сверху - бюст наружу (0,05)
18. JUNGLE - 9,94 Comment: Need more energy and work on different style dances Нарушения: Задрали футболки до бюстгалтеров (0,05)
Comment: Very good performance, work on hip hop. But good energy
2. CLIP CLAP - 16
Comment: Good performance, good energy, work on hip hop more
3. FUNNY FUNKERS - 15,25
Comment: Good energy, work on hip hop and other street dance
Comment: Work on hip hop and other styles. Good performance
5. SEVEN EIGHT - 14,5 5
Comment: Need more energy in performance an work on hip hop
6. LIL DOUBLE A - 14
Comment: Good performance, work on hip hop
7. PUZZLE - 13,25
Comment: Good energy work on more street dance
8. STEP UP - 13,24
Comment: Work on more hip hop, good energy
Comment: Need to work on hip hop and other street dance
10. NON STOP - 12,99
Comment: Need more work on locking and hip hop. Good performance
11. SWEET BOХ - 12,98
Comment: Good energy, work on more street styles
12. DRAGON FLY - 11,9
Comment: Work on staying together in performance and hip hop good work
Снятые баллы: Выброс предмета (платки) на площадку (-0,1)
13. THE JOKERS - 11,25
Comment: Work on being together and work on more street styles
14. REVIVE DANCE - 11,24
Comment: Work on hip hop and other street dance styles
15. ALTO-ENERGY - 10,95
Comment: Work on dancing together and work on hip hop
Снятые баллы: Неаккуратный конец + падение из позы на спину (-0,5)
16. NEXT STEP - 10,5
Comment: Work on staying together and work on hip hop
Comment: Need to work on hip hop and other street dance
Нарушения: Майка у одной участницы открытая сверху - бюст наружу (0,05)
18. JUNGLE - 9,94
Comment: Need more energy and work on different style dances
Нарушения: Задрали футболки до бюстгалтеров (0,05)
1. KILLABEEZ - 17,25
Comment: Very Good performance. Be more funkier
2. SUPER GIRLS - 16,25
Comment: Good performance, work more on hip hop
Comment: Good performance, work on hip hop and popping
4. DOUBLE A - 15
Comment: Work on hip hop, good performance
5. TOP ROCKERS -14,25
Comment: Good performance, good energy, work on hip hop, poppin
Comment: Work on hip hop more
Снятые баллы: Фрагмент танца дуэт мальчик + девочка - эротический (0,05)
7. THE JOKERS - 12,5
Comment: Good performance, work on hip hop and other street dances
Comment: Work on hip hop and other street dances
9. ROYAL FLASH - 12,25
Comment: Needs more hip hop and other street dances
Comment: Needs to learn hip hop and work more together
11. D'n'K - 11,4
Comment: Needs work on hip hop lockin, work together more
Снятые баллы: Книги, стулья (0,01)
12. DREAM TEAM - 11,25
Comment: Work on hip hop and work more together
13. QUICK LIFE - 10,45
Comment: Work on hip hop and other street dances
Comment: Work on hip hop and other street dances
15. G-FLAVA - 10
Comment: : Needs to learn hip hop and work together
16. ПРОЕКТ А-21 - 7,9
Comment: Needs to learn hip hop and other street dances
Снятые баллы: Куртки бросили на площадку (0,1)