Твиттер Джонни-2
I'm awake unfortunately. I wish my body and the village noise would let me sleep for another hour or so. Practice is in a few hours. :)
10:32 AM Feb 17th from web
It was a great day. Ksenia has arrived to the village! Looking forward to the competition tomorrow. I just want to fly.
9:13 PM Feb 17th from web
Relaxing before the long. I hope everyone can be transported tonight. God protect me and give me wings.
about 10 hours ago from web
I'm awake unfortunately. I wish my body and the village noise would let me sleep for another hour or so. Practice is in a few hours. :)
10:32 AM Feb 17th from web
It was a great day. Ksenia has arrived to the village! Looking forward to the competition tomorrow. I just want to fly.
9:13 PM Feb 17th from web
Relaxing before the long. I hope everyone can be transported tonight. God protect me and give me wings.
about 10 hours ago from web
там пока нет самой первой твитпикчи - из парикмахерской
как же я так...(( добавь))
давайте если подписывать тогда и само твиттеровское сообщение внизу, все-таки связано
.Watching "Valentine's Day" with the Dingles. Such a sweet movie. Happy dreams kittens. I love you!
Смотрим "День святого Валентина" вместе с Динглами. Такое милое кино. Счастливых снов, котята. Я люблю вас!
ментальная связь xD
6 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
EricAltSalons @JohnnyGWeir Check out AOL stylelist we are on
today http://www.stylelist.com/2010/05/21/johnny-weir-pink...
Запасайтесь каплями...))