Твиттер Джонни-9
I'm awake unfortunately. I wish my body and the village noise would let me sleep for another hour or so. Practice is in a few hours. :)
10:32 AM Feb 17th from web
It was a great day. Ksenia has arrived to the village! Looking forward to the competition tomorrow. I just want to fly.
9:13 PM Feb 17th from web
Relaxing before the long. I hope everyone can be transported tonight. God protect me and give me wings.
about 10 hours ago from web
I'm awake unfortunately. I wish my body and the village noise would let me sleep for another hour or so. Practice is in a few hours. :)
10:32 AM Feb 17th from web
It was a great day. Ksenia has arrived to the village! Looking forward to the competition tomorrow. I just want to fly.
9:13 PM Feb 17th from web
Relaxing before the long. I hope everyone can be transported tonight. God protect me and give me wings.
about 10 hours ago from web
Да здравствуют российские прививки!
While I wait for @EricAltSalons , @JohnnyGWeir is doing my hair twitpic.com/48w0jj
Tara Modlin
@JohnnyGWeir found the broom and dust pan.....watch out twitpic.com/48worr
Um...hello street cred. Feeling tough and mighty thanks to new stylist Kyle at @ericaltsalons! http://yfrog.com/h4pj8bsj
Эм... здравствуй доверие. Чувствую себя уверенно и благодарю нового стилиста Кайла в салоне Эрика.
oh, God!!! что это???
BANGERANG111 Sherrie Mc Govern @
@JohnnyGWeir very cool!!! Now you need a tattoo!!!
marydoesnttweet Mary D @
@JohnnyGWeir @ericaltsalons omg, it's 1988 again? Why didn't I know this?!
nancyknisley Nancy Knisley @
@JohnnyGWeir @ericaltsalons Hell, yeah! The new tough "do" will strike fear into all the hockey players at the rink!
не соскучишься с ним:)
а что, занятно
Here is another pic of @JohnnyGWeir getting his star. While @tmodlin quietly gets highlights http://plixi.com/p/83640327
Here is a close up of @JohnnyGWeir ghetto fab!!!! http://plixi.com/p/83574999