Твиттер Джонни-9
I'm awake unfortunately. I wish my body and the village noise would let me sleep for another hour or so. Practice is in a few hours. :)
10:32 AM Feb 17th from web
It was a great day. Ksenia has arrived to the village! Looking forward to the competition tomorrow. I just want to fly.
9:13 PM Feb 17th from web
Relaxing before the long. I hope everyone can be transported tonight. God protect me and give me wings.
about 10 hours ago from web
I'm awake unfortunately. I wish my body and the village noise would let me sleep for another hour or so. Practice is in a few hours. :)
10:32 AM Feb 17th from web
It was a great day. Ksenia has arrived to the village! Looking forward to the competition tomorrow. I just want to fly.
9:13 PM Feb 17th from web
Relaxing before the long. I hope everyone can be transported tonight. God protect me and give me wings.
about 10 hours ago from web
А где Стеф пел PF?
*катаеться от смеха*
бе-бе-бе. Ну не знаю я.... *хнычет*
Я там запятую проглядела xDD *разводит ручками*
А читала как раз под пение Стефа, поэтому так получилось... *ржет*
Я снова сделала это! Я загрузил видео на Ютуб. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hepT00ICryY С сегодняшней тренировки. Слушайте музыку, это кусок моей новой короткой
The video is long, but you can hear a piece of my new short program music in the background. I've entitled the piece "Skazka" or "Fairytale". Please excuse my inability to edit the empty ice time at the beginning of the video. Enjoy!
в наших аудиозаписях уже есть..
в наших аудиозаписях уже есть..
А по какому случаю?
как-то я себя странно чувствую..
надо было ему сразу верить) а то он у нас такой, шутник, прям как мы. ляпнет - а потом возьмет и сделает
нате.. получите..
Никто и не ожидал, да? xDD