Твиттер Джонни-12
I'm awake unfortunately. I wish my body and the village noise would let me sleep for another hour or so. Practice is in a few hours. :)
10:32 AM Feb 17th from web
It was a great day. Ksenia has arrived to the village! Looking forward to the competition tomorrow. I just want to fly.
9:13 PM Feb 17th from web
Relaxing before the long. I hope everyone can be transported tonight. God protect me and give me wings.
about 10 hours ago from web
I'm awake unfortunately. I wish my body and the village noise would let me sleep for another hour or so. Practice is in a few hours. :)
10:32 AM Feb 17th from web
It was a great day. Ksenia has arrived to the village! Looking forward to the competition tomorrow. I just want to fly.
9:13 PM Feb 17th from web
Relaxing before the long. I hope everyone can be transported tonight. God protect me and give me wings.
about 10 hours ago from web
и детка нас понимает..))
Да какие там плавки! Слово - и то больше этих лоскутков!
со значком +18
Вер, спокойно, он пока не научился пользоваться твиткэмом
со значком +18
как температура воздуха прям, а там гораздо... эм... горячее будет я боюсь xDDDD
девки, почему я щас читаю наши комменты и мне в голову приходит ситуация в апреле-мае того года????? *охреневает*
это ничего. Одобрямс)))
страшно вспомнить...)
Watching the glorious @kathygriffin on Bravo. Honey, you're the perfect cure to my jet lag. Make 'em laugh.
около 8 часов назад при помощи Twitter for BlackBerry®
I'd like to sing with @Cazwellnyc in the fashion of Jay Z and Alicia Keys in Empire State of Mind.
около 7 часов назад при помощи Twitter for BlackBerry®