Твиттер Джонни-12
I'm awake unfortunately. I wish my body and the village noise would let me sleep for another hour or so. Practice is in a few hours. :)
10:32 AM Feb 17th from web
It was a great day. Ksenia has arrived to the village! Looking forward to the competition tomorrow. I just want to fly.
9:13 PM Feb 17th from web
Relaxing before the long. I hope everyone can be transported tonight. God protect me and give me wings.
about 10 hours ago from web
I'm awake unfortunately. I wish my body and the village noise would let me sleep for another hour or so. Practice is in a few hours. :)
10:32 AM Feb 17th from web
It was a great day. Ksenia has arrived to the village! Looking forward to the competition tomorrow. I just want to fly.
9:13 PM Feb 17th from web
Relaxing before the long. I hope everyone can be transported tonight. God protect me and give me wings.
about 10 hours ago from web
ага, до сентября аккурат шесть дней осталось.
успеет, че.
Мне вот надо минус один дюйм в талии и как можно скорее. Хм, кто быстрее?)
The A-List New York is anchored by @TJKelly10 and @RyanNickulas. Such funny ladies. Those two should be @LogoTV avatar photo.
Big fitting with @xoBetseyJohnson tomorrow, then shooting a commercial for @edressme and my line of LBDs. Beauty rest commencing soon.
Завтра большая примерка с Бетси Джонсон, затем фотосессия для edressme и моей коллекции маленьких черных платьев. Совсем скоро начнется красивый отдых.
Ах, Мэг, не обижайся на Джонни!
Does anyone else think of these hurricane's names, then try to put a human face on them? Irene is coming, and she has a big mole on her nose
6 мин. назад
Got pulled over for speeding on my way to pilates. Officer wrote me the ticket, told me how to pay, then asked for an autograph for his wife
Меня остановили за превышение скорости по дороге на пилатес. Полицейский выписал мне талон, объяснил, как его оплатить, и попросил автограф для своей жены.
Какая прелесть.
А превышать скорость - нехорошо!
теперь буду следить за своим носом.....
*думаю, thighs -"бедра", а things ("вещи") должно быть*