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(переводчики - welcome!)
1) The following rules of performance must be followed:
The width of the pinch apparatus is adjustable to suit different hand sizes, but to keep it within the spirit of a pinch lift the minimum width allowed is the 2 outer steel discs and 2 rubber spacer discs, a width of 24mm. Before the event starts, you will be given the opportunity to try it and find your best width. The smooth-sided, adjustable-width disc is held on a 2” thick metal rod by a pair of collars. Extra weights will be added to the outsides. The top of this is grasped with an overhand pinch grip (with no further than a 3” gap between the index fingers) and lifted until the end of the bar touches a horizontal stick placed at 16.5” from the floor. There is no referee’s signal. You do not have to be erect upon completion. You must lower the weight under control. If the outer discs accidentally touch the stick before the bar itself, referee’s discretion will be used to judge whether the correct height was attained. Pinch gripping the discs using an unorthodox underhand grip will not be allowed.
Additional equipment rules: 1. The apparatus has to be loaded with the same number of discs on each side, in the same order, and has to weigh similar (max 1k tolerance between the total weight of the weights at the front, and weights at the rear). 2. The heaviest discs should be loaded nearest to the adjustable pinch discs themselves. 3. The spacer/collars that hold the inside adjustable discs together should be the same length. 4. The discs added should be smaller in height than the adjustable discs you grasp, so that the view of the lifters hands are not totally obscured, and the lift starts from the proper height.
2) All lifts must be performed as one of the official lifts of a grip contest. Single event contests are acceptable and will be noted as such on the list.
3) The entire lifting apparatus must be calibrated to within at least a tenth of a kilogram or a tenth of a pound.
4) The adjustable pinch apparatus must be constructed of flat and smooth bare steel. The diameter of the round steel discs must be approximately 15 3/4", give or take 1/8". Both the Euro Pinch apparatus and the adjustable pinch apparatus made by Scott George are acceptable.
5) The surface of the discs should be free of heavy dents or scratches. Some light rust on the discs is acceptable, and regular use of the apparatus and indoor storage should keep the amount of rust at an acceptable level.